Monday, February 1, 2016

January Re-cap 2016

January Re-cap 2016
What happened in November @ TRD

The Holidays are over and things are back to normal. 
Starting off the year with a bang. 

Read in January
Starting off the year just right. 
From Russia With Claws - Review
Cruel Crown - Review
Secrets of Valhalla - Review
Down the Rabbit Hole - Review
Wickedly Magical - Review
Wickedly Dangerous - Review
The Witch Must Burn - Review
The Wicked Will Rise - Review
Follow Me Home - Review
Passenger - Review
Alternate - Review
Leveled - Review
The Truth Spell - Review
Sanyare - Review
Stranger Girl - Review
Of Light and Darkness - Review
Haunted Holiday - Review
The 5th Wave - Review
Solidify - Review

Claymore Vol 27 - Review
Claymore Vol 26 - Review
Claymore Vol 25 - Review
Claymore Vol 24 - Review
Claymore Vol 23 - Review
Claymore Vol 22 - Review
Claymore Vol 21 - Review
Claymore Vol 20 - Review
Claymore Vol 19 - Review
Claymore Vol 18 - Review
Claymore Vol 17 - Review
Claymore Vol 16 - Review
Claymore Vol 15 - Review
Claymore Vol 14 - Review
Claymore Vol 13 - Review

February Goals
Same as last month. Good happy goals. 
Well I have a bunch of new stuff coming out but you'll have to wait till next year. 
Lots of fun new posts in the works. 
25 books is the current reading goal.
I've decided to make blogging more fun it's felt a little like a chore the last few months. I think the holidays have just beaten me down. 
More active with visiting other blogs and commenting. I've been slacking.  

Follow Me (Here)
Still a instagram addict. It's been a great outlet for me. 
Stop by say hi and don't forget to follow me =D

February TBR is huge 

I don't have them all on the picture but it's a good start. 

What are you goals for the new month?

Have a great month!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Holy shit that's a lot of books. Almost one a day. Great job!
    Happy February!
