Sunday, January 12, 2014

Cover Characteristic - Stars

Cover Characteristic - Stars
 Hosted by Sugar & Snark

Each week we will post 5 of our favorite covers to go with the theme of the week. 
I'm a huge cover fan so this is a great meme for me.

Gosh this year is starting with a bang. Stars hmmm that's a tough one. I guess I need to do a little hunting because I can't think of one cover that has stars. As soon as I started it dawned on me I can use stars in the sky. The plus side I get to look for new books, negative my TBR list grows leaps and bounds. 


The Art of Wishing by Lindsay Ribar - I have a copy of this one I just need to get to it.
Rogue Genesis by Ceri London - This one sounds interesting. I love the cover. 
These Broken Stars by Amie Kaufman - Loved this book one of my favorites. 
Tempt the Stars by Karen Chance - I haven't started this series yet but I love the cover. 

Top Choice
Alienated by Melissa Landers - I really need to get this one read. I have the arc maybe after I finish my next book. I love the cover. 

What are your favorite Star Covers?


  1. Thanks for checking out my blog. You've got some awesome picks. Rogue Genesis's cover is absolutely breathtaking! The description sounds amazing; definitely adding to the top of my to-read list. Cheers!

  2. Great picks! I haven't seen the cover for Rouge Genesis before, it's absolutely stunning. :) I also like the ones for These Broken Stars and Alienated. :)
    Thanks for stopping by my CC!

  3. Love Alienated and These Broken Stars :) I'm excited to read both of them!

    Christy @ Christy's Book Addiction

  4. I really really really want to read The Art of Wishing, but I haven't found a copy of it yet. =( I really love the cover! I also have Alienated and These Broken Stars on my TBR!

  5. I forgot about Alienated! Great picks!
    Thanks for joining in last week :)

    Sugar & Snark
