Friday, July 12, 2013

Follow Friday!

Follow Friday
Hosted by:

The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
Each week a new question, new answer, and new blogs to follow. 
If you want to follow via GFC just in case it goes away I ask you follow a second way, email, Linky, Bloglovin'. 
Featured blogs this week:

Kelly Walker

Girl in The Woods Reviews

This Week's Activity:

PHOTOBOMB!!!! Photobomb a picture with your favorite book. Share it of course. 

My favorite book is Marking Time by April White (Review).

I couldn't decide which picture I love better so I'm sharing both. 
First is my 5 month old puppy over 70 pounds of love. 
The second is my sweet hubby and cute daughter on their motorcycles. 

What's your photobomb this week?


  1. I love both of your pictures! They are just too cute. I've seen a lot of people do pics with their dogs. I wish I would have thought of that! Come check out my FF picture and my blog @

  2. Okay, how did you get your dog to sit still for this? Seriously, anytime the camera comes out my "kids" all of a sudden become uncooperative.
    Kristin @ Book Sniffers Anonymous

  3. The pics are so cute, but I really love the pink cycle next to the motorcycle the best!
    New bloglovin follower.

    Kimberly @ Once Upon a YA Book

  4. Oh my word - 70 pounds and still a puppy. MY FF

  5. Love them both!! I'm an old follower.

    You can find my FF here.
