The world is full of vampires, supernatural creatures who drain the blood from humans without mercy. Fighting such beings is the foundation of Isuzu Osaka’s life, but with humanity losing the war, desperate times call for desperate measures. To protect his friends, Isuzu sets out to strike a deal with Baroque―a powerful vampiress whose beauty is said to drive all who gaze upon her mad…
I received My Dear, Curse-Casting Vampiress in return for an honest review from the publisher.
Vampires are real they loom in the darkness and hunt the humans. Isuzu is a trained vampire hunter but even he and his friends aren't enough to stop the rising vampire attacked. When he get's a tip about the vampire Baroque who slays vampire he decides to break her out to kill a strong vampire.
I like Isuzu he's willing to risk his own life to save his friends and trusting Baroque the beautiful vampire he rescued from lock down. I like the idea for Baroque she's this bad-ass vampire who uses curses to kill vampires. This is an interesting concept it reminds me a little of Blood+ which is one of my favorite animes.
This is my first manga by the author but I'm hooked, the story is captivating. The characters are easy to connect with you just can't help liking them. The artwork is beautifully done. I can't wait for the next installment to see what happens next to our duo. Perfect for fans of vampire fantasy with potential for a little romance. I actually enjoyed it so much that I had to pick up the paperback manga for my collection.
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