Monday, October 19, 2015

Manga Review: Attack on Titan Vol 4

Title - Attack on Titan, Vol 4 
Author - Hajime Isayama
Series - Attack on Titan #4
Genre - Horror Manga
Published - March 26th 2013
Publisher - Kodansha Comics
Format - Kindle 


The Survey Corps develop a risky gambit – have Eren in Titan form attempt to repair Wall Rose, reclaiming human territory from the monsters for the first time in a century. But Titan-Eren’s self-control is far from perfect, and when he goes on a rampage, not even Armin can stop him! With the survival of humanity on his massive shoulders, will Eren be able to return to his senses, or will he lose himself forever?

Chapters list :
14. Primitive Desire
15. One by One
16. Necessity
17. Delusions of Strength
18. What Should I Do Now?
I watched the first few episodes on nextflix but it’s not in English so I opted to go with the manga to check it out because the complete series exists instead of just season one. This is my first manga so I don’t really have any prior experience to base it off when it comes to the art or story. I like the art it’s not over complex when it comes to telling the story it seems to work for the gritty horror story. So far the story while is well developed it’s easy to get lost turning the pages.

The fourth installment takes us back to when the trio had just started the training to fight the titans. I found it a little odd that after fighting then we would have a whole book about training to fight but maybe it has a reason to fit into the story. I do have to admit it was interesting to see where they came from before they were all fighting the massive titans. To see the intense training they had to overcome as well as some of the character’s we’ve encountered along the way.

I’m not sure how I feel about the fourth installment while I like seeing a little more about the training that our trio went through I wanted to learn more about the titans. So I guess I was a little disappointed by the story taking a jump back to tell about the past. I’m super curious to see what’s going to happen next in the series as they head to the basement at least that’s where I expect them to head to so that we can figure out what Eren’s father has hidden and what the key is for. I’m really enjoying the story even if it did have a break in the action packed giant zombie humanoid fight. I already have the rest of them loaded on my kindle so just now to find the time. I still recommend them. 

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