Saturday, October 31, 2015

Manga Review: Attack on Titan Vol 5

Title - Attack on Titan, Vol 5
Author - Hajime Isayama
Series - Attack on Titan #4
Genre - Horror Manga
Published - March 26th 2013
Publisher - Kodansha Comics
Format - Kindle 

Thanks to Eren, humanity has taken the town of Trost back from the Titans. Exhausted, Eren falls into a coma for three days – and wakes in shackles, staring at Erwin Smith, leader of the Survey Corps. Certain that Eren’s father’s research holds the key to the mystery of the Titans’ rise, Smith wants an expedition to retrieve it from the house where Eren grew up. But that’s deep in Titan territory, and to get there Eren will need to master a power he still doesn’t fully understand…

Chapters List:-
19.Still Can't See
20.Special Operations Squad
21.Opening the Gate
22.Long-Distance Enemy Scouting Formation

I watched the first few episodes on nextflix but it’s not in English so I opted to go with the manga to check it out because the complete series exists instead of just season one. This is my first manga so I don’t really have any prior experience to base it off when it comes to the art or story. I like the art it’s not over complex when it comes to telling the story it seems to work for the gritty horror story. So far the story while is well developed it’s easy to get lost turning the pages.

The fifth installment is Eren is on trial to decide if he should be dissected or used in the survey corps to stop the titan attacks. Thankfully he’s sent to the survey corps where he might just be able to help stop the titans and figure out what’s going on with himself. He’s been assigned under Levi which is a hero among the squads but he’s also one they feel if Eren got out of control could handle him. We also had an encounter with a titan who happened to have a little more intelligence than the prior ones so far. We also have a new squad leader who happens to be researching the titans that they have snagged. 

I enjoyed the fifth installment we are at last getting out of the walls to maybe fight the titans and figure out what is really going on with Eren. I actually just wanted to read a few pages but ended up staying in bed reading till I was done and had to fight the urge to move to the next book. I’m curious to learn more about Levi since it’s clear he’s going to be a major character unless Eren eats him. We’ve seen a few little snips of him in prior books but now with the new squad we have new people. I’m really enjoying the story even if it did have a break in the action packed giant zombie humanoid fight. I already have the rest of them loaded on my kindle so just now to find the time. I still recommend them. 

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