Saturday, May 20, 2017

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post
Hosted by:

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Happy Sunday! 
The weather has been all over from days when it's to cold to sit outside to days it's to hot to sit outside. I'm hoping we don't have a super hot summer but I have a feeling it's only going to get hotter here in Northern California. It's been a busy but quiet week which is nice but not enough reading. 

Currently 73 of 250 and 20 books behind which keeps growing. 

Posts you may have missed at TRD this week or the prior since it's two weeks this week. 


Beasts and BFF's Shannon Delany - Review to come
Book Review Last Hookup - Review 
New Books that I added to my shelves this week. 

Received from the Publisher for Review

Crafty projects & Baking/cooking & Gardening. 
I've been working on my daughters mermaid tail but it's slow going. I also started my 2nd audio book. I've become a quick fan. 

Made two batch of brownies from scratch for a squadron function tonight. I'm sure they will be gone in no time. My go to recipe (Here)
I also made a very good Street Corn Soup. 
Find the recipe (here)


My little garden is slowly growing more and more each day. My husband picked our first tomato it is a cherry so my little one claimed it. I can't wait to have another one to try. 

I was on a roll the last few months but thanks to the puppy my sleep cycle is wonky but I'm hoping to get back in the groove this week. 

Quote/ fun stuff. 
Around the Blogosphere
#Fitreaders check in @ The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
Summer Reading List Coyer sign ups are open (here
I'm going to do a little of both. Working on my list. 

Can you Read A Series In a Month? Challenge (here)
I'm about 90% sure I've decided the series I want to read but it's always subject to change. 

More Crafty projects. 
I need to do some sewing this week. 
I'm shooting for 6 books this week. 
I need to catch up on my reviews. It's been to loud to write. 

This coming week @ TRD
A bunch of reviews and a few fun posts. 


This big guy was being a cutie while I was on the treadmill. He always get's sassy that we aren't walking at the park. 

I'm still an Instagram addict you should check it out lots of fun!!!!
Find me (Here) I working on 9k followers

I hope everyone has a great week. 


  1. Defy the Stars has a beautiful cover, but I'm unsure about Claudia Gray. I didn't love her Firebird series so I'm putting off picking this one up for now. Hope you enjoy your new books! Have a great week!

    Sandy @ Somewhere Only We Know

  2. Your brownies look amazing :) boyfriend baked us a lemon drizzle cake! So I'm also happy. Yup, he does the baking (and cooking) in this house.
    Also your soup looks awesome. I may check out that recipe!
    Oh yeah, I also planted little tomato seedlings today! It's only the spring here, so no fruit yet, but I'm hopeful :)

  3. Weather has been so crazy I haven't done my garden yet. If I don't get a chance to do it in the next 3 weeks I might have to grab a few potted tomato plants. I love Jersey tomatoes :)

    Have a great week, Mandy! Happy Reading!

  4. Wow! You were sure busy this week and glad that you purchased Geekerella!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!
