Saturday, August 1, 2015

August Blogging Prompts Challenge Day 1

Write On: August Blogging Prompts Challenge
The creator is Hello Neverland she has a writing prompt for each month. 

Today's Prompt 
Tips for getting organized for the new school year. However since I don't go to school anymore I thought I would create a few tips that I use to stay organized with blogging. 

1. I use a planner to keep track of all reviews and posts that I've made commitments to post. I'm also currently tracking the weeks till the hubs get's home. It's a little empty but I kind of had a little burn out but it's slowly filling up. 
2. I keep a journal which I track the books I've read and favorite quotes I love. It's a good way to keep my reading and quotes organized. 
3. I also have a notebook for thoughts lists or anything else I think is important to keep track of. 

I'm kind of obsessive about being organized. When I first started blogging I had a few of those moments of OMG I have a book review for tomorrow and had to stay up all night reading. This way i know what I have planned for the future.
I'm always looking for new way to simplify  

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