Author - Soman Chainani
Series - The School of Good and Evil #2
Genre - YA Fantasy
Published - April 15th 2014
Publisher - Harper Collins
Format - Kindle
In the epic sequel to the New York Times bestselling novel, The School for Good and Evil, Sophie and Agatha are home, living out their Ever After. But life isn’t quite the fairy tale they expected.
When Agatha secretly wishes she’d chosen a different happy ending, she reopens the gates to the School for Good and Evil. But the world she and Sophie once knew has changed.
Witches and princesses, warlocks and princes are no longer enemies. New bonds are forming; old bonds are being shattered. But underneath this uneasy arrangement, a war is brewing and a dangerous enemy rises. As Agatha and Sophie battle to restore peace, an unexpected threat could destroy everything, and everyone, they love—and this time, it comes from within.
Sophie and Agatha survived the schools for good and evil and
have returned home to their lives before they left. Sophie is hanging on to
being a celebrity while a part of Agatha still wishes for her prince. While at
Sophie’s fathers wedding Agatha makes a wish that changes their lives forcing
them to return to the schools only to learn that they aren’t good and evil
anymore but girls and boys. The girls from both schools have banned together
based on Agatha choosing Sophie over her prince they realized they don’t need
princes to be happy. Past princesses have kicked out their princes choosing to
rule alone forming bond with witches and becoming tough fighters.
Even though Agatha knows that they need to go home a part of
her still wants her prince and when she notices Sophie is turning into a witch
again she seeks him out. When her meeting with Tedros turns horribly wrong with
him accusing her of lies he challenges the school of girls to a trial that will
decide all their fates. With the help of some of the witches that used to live
with Sophie the girls come up with a plan to get them home. The only problem is
they need to get ahold of the storian to finish their story. Forcing one of
them to infiltrate the school for boys and find it before the trial or all
could be lost.
I’m torn between which is my favorite girl they each appeal
to me in different ways. I wanted to dislike Sophie because she’s kind of
frustrating at times but she really just wants her best friend and I respect
that. Agatha is torn between her one true love and best friend it won’t be an
easy choice to make. I liked Tedros even though he went a little crazy he’s not
a bad guy his feelings were hurt.
I wanted to love A World Without Princes but I didn’t but I
did enjoy it. I loved the first one so much that the second one had big shoes
to fill. The story is interesting it
fits for the perfect reason for the girls to return to their fairytale. The
book is loaded with suspense, magic, romance, friendship and evil witches that
kept me wanting to know what would happen next. The author has done a fantastic
job creating another beautifully written story. The writing style smooth it
flows from start to finish and it’s easy to get lost in the books. I loved the
characters they already had my heart from the first book and couldn’t wait to
see what would happen next for them. While this one has a ending it’s clear
that there is more to come and I can’t wait for the next installment because I
know it’s going to be amazing. This is one of my favorite series it’s a must
4 out of 5 Stars
I seem to be the odd one here but for some reason I liked this one even more than the first book! Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the first book but I think the fact that this one surprised me by going in a direction I wasn't expecting really worked for me! You're right though: I can't wait to see what comes next :D Great review ^^ glad you enjoyed this one too!