Wednesday, October 23, 2013

30 Day Challenge: Day 4

I stumbled across this 30 Day Challenge and just have to participate. 
I got the idea from Ya-Aholic Reviews

Well since I picked my favorite series but it only has one book so I'm going with my second favorite. 

I've been such a slacker with this challenge but I'm ready to do it daily for the rest of the thirty days.

Moon Called
by Patricia Briggs

I've been reading a lot of first in new series books recently. One of my favorite must reads is the Mercy Thompson series. I can't decide which one of her books is my favorite because I love them all. So maybe the first book because we met Mercy.

What's your favorite book in your favorite series?

Spooktacular Hop! Enter to win a $20 amazon gift card plus over 300 other giveaways (here)!!!!

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