Title - A Shade of Vampire
Author - Bella Forrest
Series - A Shade of Vampire #1
Genre - YA Vampires
Format - Paperback
Published - December 14th 2012
On the evening of Sofia Claremont's seventeenth birthday, she is sucked into a nightmare from which she cannot wake.
A quiet evening walk along a beach brings her face to face with a dangerous pale creature that craves much more than her blood.
She is kidnapped to an island where the sun is eternally forbidden to shine.
An island uncharted by any map and ruled by the most powerful vampire coven on the planet. She wakes here as a slave, a captive in chains.
Sofia's life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn when she is the one selected out of hundreds of girls to join the harem of Derek Novak, the dark royal Prince.
Despite his addiction to power and obsessive thirst for her blood, Sofia soon realizes that the safest place on the island is within his quarters, and she must do all within her power to win him over if she is to survive even one more night.
Will she succeed? ...or is she destined to the same fate that all other girls have met at the hands of the Novaks?
Sofia has turned seventeen but it didn't change her life like she expected. She has feelings for her best friend but he’s too doesn't see her that way. While taking a walk along the beach she meets a pale stranger only to wake up kidnapped in place where the sun doesn't shine. She quickly learns that she been kidnapped by vampires, taken to an island that isn't on maps and to be the prince vampires slave.
While Lucas scares Sofia she can’t help being drawn to Derek who’s unlike his brother in every way. As she becomes his favorite girl because of her humanity she learns that Lucas is intent on getting his hands on her. When one of the girls ends up dead and Sofia badly injured Derek decides to move her into his quarters where he can protect her from the killer if only she would tell him who it is. Deep down Derek knows it’s his brother but blood is thicker than water. Will he choose Sofia over his brother? What about when her best friend shows up in the shade?
A Shade of Vampire is a vampire story without the sparkly high school scene. Instead we are taken to a secret island given a unique perspective into the vampire coven as a human slave to the royalty. The author has created an intriguing story with engaging characters giving the reader insight into both Sofia and Derek. I always enjoy getting to see insides the guy’s head to see what they really feel. The characters are great you can’t help falling in love with Derek because even though he’s a vampire he still has a little humanity in him and Sofia brings out the best in him. I look forward to reading more about the two. A Shade of Vampire is a captivating story that draws the reader in right from the start. Though it’s a quick read it’s still a great first installment in an exciting new series. The author’s writing style is smooth the story flows along very well written. I've already picked up the second one can’t wait to start it.
4 out of 5 stars
I would definitely recommend this book to anyone considering reading it. You will not be disappointed. I will also be reading more in the series. Keep up the good work!
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