Title - First Light

Series or Standalone - Project Five Fifteen #1
Genre - Young Adult Suspense Romance
Publication - May 28th 2012
Rating 5 out of 5
What do you do when you've always dreamed of a hero; your knight in shining armour, only to find when he arrives he isn't a hero at all? ... He's a killer.
Ronnie Rose is trying to cope with the loss of her father; now it looks like she might lose everything else that's dear to her too. Huge debts threaten to destroy her family, her childhood home and her future. Only one person cuts through her pain. Kalen Smith has just moved to town. He's trouble and everyone knows it. He and his mysterious friends keep to themselves and the town likes it that way. But when Kalen mourns at her dad's funeral, Ronnie wants to know why and her investigation plunges her into a dangerous world of murky government secrets, with deadly consequences. Ronnie knows she should walk away from Kalen before it's too late. Problem is, she's falling for him...
Can we choose who we fall in love with?
Review -
I received First
Light as part of the blog tour hosted by AToMR
Tours in return for a honest
review. For Veronica (Ronnie) Rose life hasn't been easy her mom walked out
leaving her father to raise her and her older sister. For her older sister it
wasn't easy she was always the needy of the two and half the time it fell on Ronnies
shoulders to take a back seat while their dad gave extra attention to Rachel.
Ronnie is a senior in high school turning eighteen in a few months when her
father passes away leaving her on her own since her older sister has her own
Ronnie is the kind of girl that's super kind and
lets her older sister walk all over her when it comes to everything however
mostly just into babysitting so she can go shopping. It is the day of her father’s
funeral that she catches sight of a strange guy in all black that she's never
seen before. The rumors around why his in town are vast everyone assumes since
he lives with 4 other guys he's dealing drugs but as he starts to hang around
Ronnie we learn his real story.
Three years ago Ronnie was attacked on the beach by a would be
rapist but her hero whom she still dreams about when she needs to feel better
saved her life. Now it seems that Kalen the new guy in her life is hanging
around and even saves her life a few times. Both her sister and best friend are against her spending time with
him but Ronnie can't help her attraction to him. Learning that her father has a
gambling debt causing her to lose the house Ronnie sets out to find a plan to
save her father’s home. She also didn't set out to fall in love with Kalen who
keeps his past a mystery little does she know that his secret is what keeps him
and his friends safe.
I was instantly drawn into the story, my heart went out to Ronnie
because I know what it's like to lose a parent, and she reminds me a lot of
myself. Ronnie is a great character she's kind to a fault, and has issues
trusting after her mother left, she even lets her sister walk all over her. I
wanted to bash her sisters head in many times the way she lets her boyfriend
Jared manipulate her, as well as the way she treats Ronnie. Thankfully Ronnie
meets Kalen who didn't have a normal childhood but is making a change in his
life as well as changing Ronnie for the better. I really found First light well
written the story flow smoothly I was able to read it in one span without
stopping. I really liked the cloak and dagger aspect of the story it kept me on
my toes plus who doesn't love a suspense story with a romance in the mix. I was
nervous as I ran out of pages because I know that it's part of a series and I
was worried it would cliffhanger but the ending was exactly the way it should
of ended. I loved the book and I can't wait to read the next chapter in Ronnie
and Kalen's story.
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