Author - Jaine Fenn
Series or Standalone - Collection of Short stories
Genre - Sci Fi / Fantasy
Publication - November 9th 2012
(Goodreads) & (Amazon)
Rating 4 out of 5
The floating city of Kesh rests above the uninhabitable planet of Vellern. For the Topsiders life is about luxury and opulence, while for those of the Undertow day to day survival takes precedence. Kesh City is a democracy by assassination, where the Angels - deadly state-sponsored killers - remove those unworthy to hold office.
When Vanna Agriet accidentally spills her drink over an Angel it could spell death, but instead it leads to a rather peculiar friendship. The downsider Geal hopes for a better life topside, only to find herself embroiled in a 'removal' by the Angel Thiera. Downside, Isha's brother Rakul brings a little black box home with him, and sets Isha on a journey that takes her to a meeting with the most powerful man in Kesh City. Larnia Mier, a talented topside musician and instructor, is injured after witnessing a removal first-hand. As her abilities diminish, new possibilities open up.
With a foreword by Alastair Reynolds (author of ‘Revelation Space’ and the recent ‘Blue Remembered Earth’, as well as ’On the Steel Breeze’), 'Downside Girls' is a standalone collection of interlinked stories by Jaine Fenn, that also shines new light on characters from 'Principles of Angels’, Jaine's first novel in the 'Hidden Empire' series. ('Principles of Angels', ‘Consorts of Heaven’, Guardians of Paradise’, ‘Bringer of Light’, and 'Queen of Nowhere')
I won a copy of Downside Girls from a Librarything giveaway
in return for an honest review. I found Downside Girls fast paced a quick read
that I was able to read in a short time without putting down. The shorts
stories take place in the world of the Hidden Empire Series. I found the idea for the floating city with
the two types of people unique and exciting. I found the concept for the Angels
new and refreshing compared to most of the other Angel books out there. The
short stories are an awesome teaser into a world I want to read more about.
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