Sunday, April 16, 2017

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post
Hosted by:

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Happy Easter!!!
 I have a feeling it's going to be a rainy day as it's supposed to rain. Thankfully we have lots to do indoors to keep us busy this week. 

The weather has been amazingly beautiful and sunny most of the week. We did have a crazy rainstorm on Thursday! I don't know how to embed the video from Instagram but if you click the link you can watch it. (here

It was a busy week not a whole lot of reading which is a little bit of a bummer. 
Started off the week hitting my 5 miles but on Tuesday I woke up with a pinched nerve in my back so I had to take it easy this week. I also decided while I'm down to get a stomach bug, so double whammy. Thankfully I'm on the mend and back to business on Monday. 

Currently 52 of 250 and 20 books behind which keeps growing. 
Dark Inc Tattoo Episode 1 by Cassie Alexander - Review to come
Dark Inc Tattoo Episode 2 by Cassie Alexander - I had to DNF  

So sad because for so long I was ahead only a few weeks ago. Hopefully, I can catch up this week. 

Fun posts you may have missed at TRD this week. 

New Books that I added to my shelves this week. 

Amazon giveaway

Plus a bunch of freebies to many to mention. 

Crafty projects & Baking/cooking & Gardening. 
I made Hamburger buns for the first time this week. I wasn't sure how I felt about them but they turned out amazing. 

I also made 4 dozen cupcakes for the squadron kids day. 

I've been working on my knitting skills but it's slow going. Working on a pretty blue scarf. 

I made some bows with ribbon this week. I also picked up some new ribbon to make some more. 

 Pulled out the puffy paint and doodled on one of the bags I made. I think it's super cute but realized it's easier to doodle with pens than paint. 
Picked up some new fabric this week. Plan to do some sewing this week a flamingo bag in on the agenda. 

I hit 10k every day except one but that's because my back was hurting too much plus the combo of my stomach bug. I'm hoping to be back to my groove this week. Still aiming for 5 miles in the am and 15k steps each day. 
My husband and our married couple best friends compete each week. It's good to push my steps. 

Around the Blogosphere
#Fitreaders check in @ The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog

More Crafty projects. 
I need to do some sewing this week. 
I'm shooting for 6 books this week. 
I've got a new weekly post starting tomorrow. Be sure to check it out. 

This coming week @ TRD
I've got some reviews


Blended strawberry drink. A bow that I made and what my bullet journal looks like before I added my weekly plan. 

I'm still an Instagram addict you should check it out lots of fun!!!!
Find me (Here) I working on 9k followers

I hope everyone has a great week. 


  1. You got a nice selection of books this week. I hope you love all of your new books.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  2. I also haven't had the best of reading weeks - too busy! Those cupcakes though! I'm sure your reading sins are forgiven for baking anything like that :)
    Happy Easter and have a nice week!

  3. I love a good rainstorm, we had a pretty intense one last week too. Pinched nerve- ouch! Hope you feel better soon...

    Have a great Easter!

  4. Oh wow, not the best week for you. I get back spasms and they're no joke. You sure have been crafting. I need to get back into it some day. I always loved making things.

    My Sunday Post

  5. I'm a bit behind on my goal as well, but it's only about 4 or 5 books. I figure if I can keep it there until school is out for the summer, I'll catch up and maybe even get ahead again. Those cupcakes look delicious! Hope you have a better week!
    Check out my Sunday Post
