Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten Tuesday!
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke And The Bookish. Who doesn't love lists. They make life easy! And fun!! It's always a never ending topic.

This week's topic: 

Top Ten books set outside the US 

You don't think about it when you are reading books but I have to admit most of the books I read take place right here in the US. I have a bunch on my TBR that I want to read but haven't yet. 

1. Highlands Trio by Marsha Canham is set in the UK - I haven't read this trio in many years but I enjoyed them so much. 

2. Lairds' Fiancees by Julie Garwood is set in the UK - my bestie and I read this duo back in the later 90's one of my all time favorites. I've read them over and over for years. 

3. Betty Neels write Harlequin romance all set in Europe. I love her novels so much they are perfect sweet romances.  

This weeks list is tough. I only have three this week but they are three amazing options. All romance which is clearly all I could find. I think I need to broaden my reading locations. 

What are you top ten this week?


  1. So many UK listings this week! But I have to admit, I also love books set in the UK. Here's my Ten books set in South Africa http://marelithalkink.blogspot.co.za/2016/07/ten-books-set-in-south-africa.html

  2. Nice picks! I liked this topic despite its challenge! May have "cheated" bu choosing a few fantasy reads myself! LOL!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
