Musing Mondays asks you to muse about one of the following each week…
This week's question:
Who (or what) influences your reading most?
My Answer:
I'm not really influenced by my reading choices. I choose my books based on cover and synopsis not what people think. I'm open to suggestions but I make my own choices and decisions. 
Hosted by An Avid Reader; A Wannabe Writer
Making Up For Monday asks fun literary questions.
This Week's question:
Have you ever read a book that changed your opinion on a topic?
My Answer:
I only read fiction but I keep saying I should read some of these non-fictions but I never get around to it. If you ask my husband I have a warped sense of romance thanks to all the novel's I've read. (Not in a bad way). I'm a huge fan of happy ever after romance. I've not read a book about a topic that would change my opinion because I am stuck in the fantasy world.
What about you?
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