Hosted by:
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
Recently Feature & Follow has gotten a makeover now each week we will have a prompt to respond to.
My email followers are low and I'm working on changing that. However you are welcome to follow in your preferred form. If you want to follow via GFC just in case it goes away I ask you follow a second way, email, Linky, Bloglovin'. Thanks!!!!
Recently Feature & Follow has gotten a makeover now each week we will have a prompt to respond to.
My email followers are low and I'm working on changing that. However you are welcome to follow in your preferred form. If you want to follow via GFC just in case it goes away I ask you follow a second way, email, Linky, Bloglovin'. Thanks!!!!
This Week's Prompt:
5 websites you love to lurk around that are not shopping sites.
1. Instagram - I have an Instagram addiction. I spend hours each day on Instagram liking chatting and commenting on my friends posts. If I could only use one site it would be Instagram. I've found new foodie ideas, reading ideas, and just a whole bunch of fun stuff. Just thinking about it creating the itch to post and get lost in it.
2. Facebook - I hate to admit that I spend way to much time on facebook. In my defense I do admin several pages, belong to author street teams, and follow a bunch of bookish pages. I also guess you could include messenger which is always open.
3. Goodreads - Goodreads is my daily addiction between adding new books updating and seeing what my friends are up to it's almost always open.
4. Pinterest - I love finding new crafty, cooking or other DIY projects on pinterest. I check it out at least daily.
5. Google - I guess this is my last one but that's because I use google to search everything.
This week was a little tough what is your most interesting bookish memory or experience?.
Seriously, where would we be without Google! Although I always that I immediately forget what I went there to search for as soon as I open it. And Goodreads is just an absolute black hole of time and money!
ReplyDeleteOld follower, happy f&f Friday!
My F&F
Nice! Google gets used semi frequently for me too! Great sites!
ReplyDeleteHere's my Follow Friday
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Old GFC follower, new Google+ follower. Instagram is at the top of my list, lately, too. I spend so much time on there looking at book pictures.
ReplyDeleteMy #FF
Pinterest is definitely a staple...haha
All these references I'm getting from you guys to Pinterest is making me think I need to look at it more. It's been awhile. I've forgotten how much I like it.