Saturday, May 21, 2016

Clean Sweep 24 Hour Arc Challenge: #BookandBeverage

Clean Sweep 24 Hour Arc Challenge 
Created & Hosted by Caffeinated Book Reviewer 

When: Saturday May 21, 2016

This is the #Bookandbeverage Challenge 
I'm super excited to be offering up a $15 Amazon gift-card

To win all you need to do is share a photo of your current read with a beverage
You can enter by leaving a link to your post or using the #CleanSweepThon for Instagram & Twitter

At the end of the Read-a-thon all entries will go into a list and a random draw will pick the winner. 


  1. I'm not really sure I understand the instructions, but I'm reading Jolly Foul Play with a cup of tea!

    1. I had a blonde moment and forgot to add a photo my fault. I'll totally count this thought =D I'm a huge tea fan!!!!
