W... W... W... Wednesdays

To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions..
1.What are you currently reading?
1.What are you currently reading?
2.What did you recently finish reading?
3.What do you think you'll read next?
2.What did you recently finish reading? The Cinderella Moment by Jennifer by Jennifer Kloester - Review
3.What do you think you'll read next? The Cage by Megan Shepherd - Goodreads
3.What do you think you'll read next? The Cage by Megan Shepherd - Goodreads

What Are You Reading Wednesdays
Hosted by It's A Reading Thing
How it works
Grab the book your currently reading and answer the following questions.
1. What's the name of your current read?
2. Go to page 34 in your book or 34% in your eBook and share one complete sentence.
3. Would you like to live in the world that exists within your book? Why or why not?

1. Talon by Julie Kagawa - Goodreads
2. I crouched in the damp, steamy undergrowth of the Brazilian rain forest, insects humming around me, feeling sweat trickle down my back beneath my combat armor. Beside me, another soldier knelt motionless in the ferns, his M-16 held in both hands, muzzle slanting down across his chest. The rest of our squad, eight in all, were scattered behind us, silent and watchful.
3. I'm only a few pages in so not sure but the idea of dragons is really awesome so it's tempting.
How about you? How are you coming on your reading?
I've seen The Cage and thought it look really fascinating. Hope you enjoy it!!