Saturday, December 27, 2014

Book Blogger Organization Challenge: Winter/Spring 2015

Book Blogger Organization Challenge: Winter/Spring 2015
Runs from January 1st to June 30th
Social media #BlogOrganization!

I'm terrible with organization and hoping this challenge will get me into a groove. Some days I feel like I can't catch up on reading/blogging. 

Challenge Schedule
Want to see what the upcoming months have in store? Here’s a general outline of what we’ll be focusing on each month!

JANUARY: Reading challenges & resolutions
Picking challenges, making resolutions, scheduling, forming plans, picking reading/blogging buddies,

FEBRUARY: Blog maintenance
Updating old reviews, pages, layouts, features/memes, contact info
Clean up images, broken links

MARCH: Social Media + Review Ooutlets
Update social media accounts: bios, who you follow, delete old accounts you won’t use, resolve to use some accounts more
Organize Goodreads shelves: duplicate copies, version of books, creating shelves, removing shelves

APRIL: Graphics, HTML, CSS, Plug-ins
Update graphics for posts/memes/events, update button, update header
Learn Photoshop/Gimp/PicMonkey
Brush up or try to learn simple HTML and CSS (for layouts, fonts, etc). Take this month to delve into the scary world of coding! (Or at least teach yourself one new thing!)

MAY: Book clean-up + spring cleaning!
Culling shelves, giveaways, donations, giving back borrowed books
Reading books you were given as gifts, ARC catch up
Rearranging shelves, updating Goodreads again, giving back borrowed books
More cross-posting & cleaning up GR shelves

JUNE: Freebie
Recapping what you’ve organized, focus on biggest area of need, review TBR list

I'm really excited for this challenge it's not your typical reading challenge. I'm looking forward to completing everything on the schedule


  1. Wow! This sounds like an awesome challenge! I'm definitely in need of help in these things. :D And "whip your blog into shape" LOVE IT~ Haha! Same here. Most of the time, I feel I can't catch up on reading and blogging.

  2. I signed up for this one, but not sure if I can keep myself motivated to do it. :(
