Friday, April 25, 2014

Follow Friday

Follow Friday
Hosted by:
The Feature & Follow is hosted by TWO hosts, Parajunkee of Parajunkee’s View and Alison of Alison Can Read. Each host will have their own Feature Blog and this way it’ll allow us to show off more new blogs!
Each week a new question, new answer, and new blogs to follow. 
If you want to follow via GFC just in case it goes away I ask you follow a second way, email, Linky, Bloglovin'. 
Featured blogs this week:

This Week's Question:

Have any pets? Tell us or show us about them

I love to talk about my fur babies. 
Besides books I love animals. I have a five year old cat who has been a challenge from day one. I got him as a buddy for my other cat who passed away almost a year ago. Smokey has always been very shy and timid but has bonded to me. He will yell at me when it's bed time till I come to bed. He also sleeps on the bed. It's kind of sad but my other cat used to be the boss so Smokey was this anti social boy. Now that he's gone he's a different cat. Well he's as different as he can be.

 I got a puppy when we moved on base. Well a little over a year ago I brought home a husky/malamute puppy five weeks old and almost the size of my cats. Grimm is my dream puppy weighing in at 110lbs of awesomeness. He's stubborn, talks a lot, but he's very smart and loyal. He's my first dog not living with roommates who had dogs or at home. He's overwhelmed my hubby because he has such a sassy personality but I wouldn't have it any other way. 
 For the first year Smokey used to run from him so they developed this chase game. As Grimm got old my silly cat learned that he doesn't want to hurt him just play with him. My puppy is a big softy who just wants to play. They now sleep on the bed together and Smokey isn't afraid of Grimm coming up to him. It's more than I ever expected. 

For Smokey's sanity I'm getting another puppy. My hubby said no to another husky because they are crazy but we are getting a blue tick puppy which my hubby picked. One of these will be ours on May 10th. The cat get's a break from the hyper monster puppy.

I can't wait to see all your pets and learn about them.Happy reading!


  1. Adorable! Thanks for following. Following back via Goodreads, Twitter and GFC.

  2. Omg I want your dog. He's the kind of dog I would want to lay and read with :) Your cat is also very cute of course. Thanks for stopping by my F&F Old follower.

  3. Beautiful dog, and those puppies are adorable! How exciting! Thanks for sharing.

  4. Love your pets! They are soooo adorable. Thanks for stopping by my blog! am an old follower :)

    Brittany @ Spare Time Book blog

  5. Wonderful pictures of your furbabies. Thanks for stopping by Second Run Reviews yesterday!

  6. Wow! Grimm is huge!! He's almost as tall as I am. Hah. Smokey is a very handsome fella, too! Thanks for stopping by my FF! Old follower.
