Today I'm thrilled to bring you a fantastic interview from M.R. Polish the author of Wolf Spell.

Me -Where
do you get your inspiration?
M.R. - Well, I have always
loved the magical side of imagination. When I was little, I used to pretend my
storybooks were spellbooks. Hahahaha. So with that, and the fact that I love
wolves, pieced it together. I really wanted to write for young adults and
hopefully let them feel the fun in magic.
Me - Where
did you get the idea for Wolf Spell?
M.R. - I wanted to take out
the werewolves and make something new, something that would be different. That
is how my Guardians came about. Add in my love for magic and a story formed.
Me - What
kind of atmosphere do you prefer when you write?
M.R. - I like it after everyone goes
to bed and no one is around. I plug in the earbuds (they have to be the soft
squishy marshmallow ones lol) and turn up the music. I have a playlist for
every book I work on.
Me - Did
you always know you wanted to be a writer?
M.R. - Yes.
Well, I think so. As far back as I can remember, I have written stories, songs
and poems. I think it came together as a clear dream in the fifth grade.
Me - Who
are your author role models?
M.R. - Wow, there are so many. I have
some authors that I love their work, like Rosanne F. Bittner who wrote the
Savage Destiny series. That is a series of books that captured me and I have
favored and reread at least twenty times.
Me - What
are 5 items you never leave home without.
M.R. - Purse, phone, eyeglasses (that
could be disastrous without them lol), muses (they follow me everywhere), and
kids (they follow me too lol)
Me - What
is your most favorite electronic gadget?
M.R. - Tough tossup between my laptop
and my Smartphone (android)
Me - Do
you have a favorite TV show?
M.R. - I love Once Upon a Time,
Eureka (which I am sad about being over), and Glee (don’t judge lol)
Me - What are you writing plans
M.R. - I have some big plans in the
making. One of which is my Ageless Series and an angel series I have yet to
name. I also have a secret stand alone book that I think everyone will love.
Me - Anything
you want to say to your readers?
M.R. - Thank you! It is hard for me
to think that people are reading my work, meeting my characters that I have
worked with for so long, and loving it. I honestly can’t thank you enough.
Writing is my dream and it’s you that helps me live my dream.
Author Bio:
If I am not producing magic potions, traveling to far off lands and falling in love with mythical creatures, then I am awake - tripping over toys, chasing my kids and conjuring ways to unknowingly booby trap our house for my husband. (Yes its unknowingly, I swear I never placed the tiny plastic army man in his path for him to find in the dark of midnight!) I love my husband and my four wonderful children (all of whom help with the booby traps!) We are Nevadians and are happy, although I envy and miss the beautiful mountains of Idaho. I love writing Young Adult and Adult Fantasy and Paranormal with Romance, although you never know what could show up in my books!
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