Interview with Melissa L Webb
Today we are lucky to have Melissa L. Webb the author of the exciting new book Bell, Book, and Sandals. I was super excited to have a chance to interview her with my typical zillion questions, and I'm thrilled that she took the time to answer them all.
Bell, Book, and Sandals (here)

Mandy - Where did you get your inspiration for Bell, Book, and Sandals?
Mandy - Do you see yourself in Maxine Duncan?
Melissa - Do I see myself in Maxie Duncan? No, not at all. Maxie and I are two totally different people. She is out going, bubbly, and fashion focused. I am shy, quiet, and fashion challenged. In a lot of ways, she is my exact opposite. She would have been one of the girls I avoided in high school. If we do have anything in common, I hope her kindness and compassion for people comes from me.

Mandy - What kind of atmosphere do you prefer when you write?
Melissa - My ideal writing environment would be a totally isolated, quiet room where I could retreat, thinking of nothing but words and the world I am lost in at the moment. However, ideals hardly ever become real. I've learned to write pretty much anywhere. I always use a pen and note book to write the first draft, so this way I can write whenever I can. In the car. Breaks at work. In a living room filled with noisy kids and dogs. I'm pretty good at tuning everything out. I'm still dreaming of that quiet place though.
Mandy -Did you always know you wanted to be a writer?
Melissa -Yes. For as long as I can remember I was making up stories for anyone who would listen. Over the years, I have tried to focus on other career paths, but even as I was doing that, I'd still find myself writing on the side. I'm happiest when I'm shaping worlds on paper, and if I can get paid for what I love to do, then that would be my paradise.
Mandy - Do you have a favorite series of books?
Melissa - That's a hard one. I read and enjoy so many books, it's hard to pick just one. If I had to pick a favorite series I think it would be The Hollows series by Kim Harrison. I love Rachel Morgan. She's everything I wish I could be. She's tough, brave, and overly flawed. To me she is the epitome of a reluctant hero. I've been a fan since 2008 when I picked up the whole series at an used bookstore. I devoured all the books in no time and every year I buy the next book the day it's released. It's nearing the end of the series and I'll be there for every climatic word. If you haven't read them, now's the time to get on board.
Mandy - Who is your favorite Smurf?
Melissa - I was a big fan of the Smurfs when I was little. In fact, my favorite cereal used to be Smurf Berry Crunch. Boy I wish they still made that stuff. My favorite Smurf has always been Papa Smurf. He is always so wise and caring, everything a true leader should be. He's the one who has all the answers, and if you have a little bit of growing up still left to do, he's there to gently guide you in the right direction. I always wanted a father figure like that.
Mandy - If you had super hero powers what would they be?
Melissa - I would love to be able to make and control fire. I've always been a pyromaniac at heart, plus I am a redhead, fire is already in my soul. It would be awesome to be able to wield it anytime I chose. That and the power of telekinesis. I could get things done around the house while writing. How cool would that be? Every writer should have that power. There would be a lot more books in the world if they did.
Mandy - What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Melissa - I love cookie dough ice cream. There is something about raw cookie dough that I just can’t resist, and having it in ice cream is like having two treats at the same time. Why chose when you can have both?
Mandy - What five things do you never leave the house without?
Melissa - Wow, that's a great question. I think everyone has their own things they can’t be without. First would have to be my cell phone. Everyone is attached to their phones now-a-days, me included. A pen and notebook, so I can write when the mood strikes. Something to read, whether it's a book or my Kindle. I have to have something to read at all times. It's like an OCD thing. My newest addition would have to be my Ipad. Life is so much easier when it's with me. And I guess a purse so I'm not just carrying around a bunch of stuff in my arms. How awkward would that be?
Mandy - What are your future plans for your writing?
I currently have a lot of projects lined up. I'd like to get these done so I can start on new ideas. Also I would like to eventually quit my day job and write full time. The day I can support myself on my writing alone is the day I'll feel like I've obtained my dream.
Mandy - Anything you want to say to your readers?
Melissa - Thank you! My words mean nothing without someone to absorb them. You all mean the world to me. You allow me to do what I love. And don't worry, there will be plenty of new things coming from me within the next year. And thank you so much for having me here. It's been a blast.
Thank you so much Heather it's been a absolute thrill having a you here today.
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Thank so much for having me here. It was an honor to share a little of who I am with you and your readers. :)