Friday, June 23, 2023

Book Review: Broken Mate

 Title - Broken Mate
Author - Sara Snow
Series - Fallen Mate #5  
Genre - Paranormal Romance
Format -  Kindle Review Copy
Published - June 23rd 2023
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Sariel was always going to be a little damaged, but I knew that. It didn’t make him any less to me—it just made me worry about him.

Pressure. There's no escaping the weight that threatens to drag them down every time they pause to breathe. The Upper Council is failing, the Free Kingdom is overwhelming, and there's nowhere left for them to run to.

Aria and Sariel watch as the world slowly begins to fracture, everyone picking their sides and making stands.

They decide to make theirs, too.


I received Broken Mate in return for ah honest review from the author.

The war is growing as alliances are being drawn in the sand. The shifters have taken a stand against the council leaving them on the doorstep of the resistance. Things are starting to take a positive spin as they are starting to change but it's short lived as the darkness is looming around every corner. 

I love Aria and Sariel even if they aren't in "love exactly" yet with each other the connection they have is sweet and not rushed. I found it refreshing that they have this amazing bond but it's not forcing insta love. It really just forced them together so they could figure out their relationship at their own pace. I love getting to know more of the group as the series has progressed I love Reese she's my second favorite character as the only human tossed among the monsters.

I love this series so much it's been a very emotional whirlwind ride and I'm not ready for it to end. That author has done a beautiful job creating a captivating story that is hard to put down. I ended up reading Broken Mate in one afternoon. I loved every moment of it even when it made me cry because of the story. The Fallen Mate series is beautifully written it's my favorite by the author she's done an amazing job creating a story that just get's better with each book.  

 I'm not sure if I'm ready for it all to end yet I want more. I feel like I could easily do several more books in this series alone. Plus maybe more books set in this world. The hybrids is an interesting concept the author has put her own unique twist on it. I love the different twist on the werewolves and angels I found it refreshing and intriguing. Highly recommend this series if you are a fan of paranormal romance the author does an excellent job creating a beautiful story and world. 

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