Saturday, July 8, 2017

June Rewind 2017

June Rewind 2017
What happened in June @TRD

It was a great start to the new year with reading. 
My 2017 goal is 250 currently, I'm at 83 and so far behind. I hope that I can catch up in the next few months. 
I had such a great start for the year but lost it.

Read in June 
 Not as many as I would have liked but now that the chaos of summer is over I'm ready to get down to reading.  

I wasn't as crafty as I had hoped to be this month. I did make a few bags but I didn't get pictures of them all. This one I made for sewing day. 

I'm struggling with my garden so no updates. It's kind of depressing that I can't get everything to grow and with the intense heat it's fried a few of my plants. 

I've been on a sourdough adventure. From bread to pizza it's been interesting. I started my own starters and just happened to come up with a simple recipe 

July TBR
I normally make a TBR but this month I'm so behind that I'm just going to wing it. No list other that what is on my Coyer summer reading list. 

After getting behind last month I'm determined to get caught up this month. 

I hope to read more manga. I had planned one a week but I wasn't as captivated as I would have hoped by Vampire Knight. I may give it another shot this month. 

Crafty & Cooking 
I've got 5 bags to make on my list for the month. Lots of baking sourdough and canning this summer. 

Steps goal 
I haven't been wearing it I have a rash almost on my wrist. I need to figure out why and get back into the groove this month. 

I've been slacking on these but hoping to get back in the groove. 

Follow Me (Here)
Still an Instagram addict. It's been a great outlet for me. 
Stop by say hi and don't forget to follow me =D

What are your goals for the new month? 

Have a great month!!!!