Author - Jaleta Clegg
Genre - Sci Fi
Series or Standalone - Book 2 in the Fall of the Altairan Empire
Published - August 10th 2012 by JournalStone
Website - (Here)(Goodreads)(Amazon)
Rating 4 out of 5
It isn’t Dace’s fault she leaves chaos everywhere she goes.
She didn’t know Belliff, the company who hired her to courier sensitive materials, is a front for the Targon Crime Syndicate. She finds out when she steps into the middle of a Patrol raid on Belliff’s offices. The Patrol and Targon both want her. But that’s nothing. Her copilot has an entire sentient species chasing him for stealing their god. The two of them set off on a desperate chase to get the Eggstone god back to avert war with the Sessimoniss while evading the Patrol and the Targon Syndicate.
But the Eggstone isn’t just any rock. The Patrol isn’t chasing her for the reasons she thinks. And Targon’s days are numbered.
Opening Teaser
"Captain Dace?"
I glanced up from the stack of papers piled on the table. I'd been sitting in a tiny room of the local branch of the Independent Traders' Guild for the last three days looking for a co-pilot. Out of the thirteen applicants so far, none of them were qualified to tie their shoes much less fly a spaceship. I'd been stuck on Rucal for almost two months, long enough to work out a contract with Belliff, Inc., but their contract didn't include a copilot and regulations required one, so I was looking on my own.
Dace is starting over after loosing her last ship is destroyed she signs up as a courier for the Belliff company with the deal that after seven years she will own her ship to start her own business. However they don't provide her with a copilot so she sets out to hire her own but none of the candidates have what it takes to do the job until the last Jerimon. He has the credentials plus Dace also finds him attractive, he doesn't even bat a eye at the name of the ship she was given Twinkle.
The pair set off for their first mission only to be attacked by a reptilian species hunting down Jerimon who stole the eggstone and sold it. As we learn in the story the that eggstone is like a god. As if dealing with the reptile guys isn't enough their ship that was supposed to be carrying tools, and parts is actually loaded with illegal weapons. So they are stuck running from the reptilian race that wants their God back as well as running from the patrol.
I received this book in return for a honest review in a giveaway on Librarything. I didn't until I was over half way done that it was the second book, so I didn't read the first one. I didn't have a hard time getting into the story even though I missed the first one. The characters are mainly Dace and her co-pilot Jerimon they seem to have a knack for getting each other into trouble.I found this the type of story since it's a easy read anyone who likes a sci fi space adventure would enjoy it. I picked this up over the weekend and didn't stop till I was finished because I wanted to know if they would happen to Dace. She has issues everyone does, she's not a perfect heroine which I think is why I liked her even more.Even though I read this one out of order I may pick up the first one to learn more about Dace.
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