Author - Amanda Arista
Series or Standalone - Book 2 in the Diaries of a Urban Panther
Genre - Urban Fantasy
Published - February 7th 2012
Goodreads & Amazon
Rating 5 out of 5
Violet Jordan Rule #2 of being a superhero: Find reliable sidekicks
Dear Diary,
Once I took down Haverty, the Primo of the city, I thought life was going to get better. After four assassination attempts, I’m thinking not so much. Haverty’s pack needs a new leader and I’ve just about run out of reasons why I’m not right for the job. Besides, having loyal followers would definitely help me fight off whoever’s out for my blood. Especially since my boyfriend is always busy playing White Hat to every Wanderer except me.
So now I just need to figure out how to mentor new shifters, run a pack, keep my “real” job, and have some sort of personal life. I guess it’s all in a day’s work for this writer-by-day / panther-by-night.
*** Spoiler from book 1***This
book is about Violet Jordan who six month ago was attacked by a shapeshifter
who happened to be a panther but it wasn't a freak attack it was planned. So
Violet is still learning to deal with being a shapeshifter, in the first book
she kills the pack leader Haverty a very evil man and his son also evil is
banned to a fairy prison in a mirror. In book two Violet is
dealing with being because she is now the leader of the pack. She's been
avoiding taking control because she's not sure she's up to
the responsibility.
After sending the younger Haverty to the mirror his hench men or
mutts as she calls them are in desperate need of a new leader, Violet decides
to help them out because they need her. Her best friend Jessa isn't thrilled
about her involvement because the mutts are the ones who held her captive
in book one. There is also a new panther in town who's just learning to be a
cat who happens to be as much of a nerd as Violet is. Since taking out Haverty
others want to run the pack so Violet has to be on constant guard when it comes
to potential threats.
I loved the first book and this book didn't let me down in the
Violet Jordan series. The characters are well written so that you have a good
idea who they really are. I love we know so much about Violet and her closest
friends sometimes it feels like your even in her head. This book sucked me in
right from the start and I had a hard time putting it down, there is just so
much going on I had to know what was going to happen next. I like the few
twists in the story I didn't see coming too, always nice to have a surprise.
It's a great series and I love the shapeshifter aspect, plus Violet is
totally a sci fi nerd like me so I easily relate to her. I like the
relationships that Violet has in the book each is unique and special. I can see
myself re-reading this series over again, it's that good.
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