Thursday, September 13, 2018

Throwback Thursday!

Throwback Thursday 
This was created  by The Housework Can Wait and Never to fond of Books.
However, neither are currently participating in this weekly. It was one of my favorites and I think it's time to start up again. 

Going to make this really simple
~Share a book from the past you enjoyed
~ Share something bookish or even something not
~ Share it on Instagram
~ Have Fun!!
This week's share is a movie from when I was a kid. I guess you could say I've always had a thing for zombies. This one came out in 1993 which was almost 30 years ago still hard to believe. Such a great romantic comedy.
I actually had this on VHS back in the day as well as the DVD later on. I even purchased it on Amazon so I can watch it anywhere. It has these great comic book pages in the movie that I love. I decided it was perfect to pick one for my Instagram post.  

A teenage boy comes back from the dead because he is determined to win the most beautiful girl in school. 

What's your throwback?

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