Monday, April 18, 2016

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?

It's Monday! What Are You Reading?
Welcome to It's Monday! is a weekly event hosted by Book Date to share with others what you've read the past week and are planning to read the next.

It's been a lacking reading week but with my eyes so sensitive reading has been tough. I did finish one book and almost done with another. Now that my eyes are on the mend reading should be better. i'm hoping for a good week with lots of books. 

Currently at 80 out of 250 not as many as I would like but it's a start. 

Last week

Wife by Wednesday by Catherine Bybee - Review

Up Next 
Not sure

Rest of the week 
A few more based on my mood.
Beast Charming by Jenniffer Wardell - Goodreads
Wonderfully Wicked by C.J. Burright - Goodreads

What are you planning on reading this week? 

1 comment:

  1. It can be hard sometimes to decide what to read next. That's why I made myself a TBR Jar which has since yielded a second TBR jar for books I give myself a "deadline" for or really just need to read asap. Then I have an impromptu TBR jar that was filled with scary books for Halloween but since I never did get to those I just left them alone for when I am in the mood for a scary book. So I basically have created 3 TBR jars for myself...and for the last several books were ones I just decided I wanted to read at the given time! LOL!

    So basically, I hope you find some good reads for yourself this week! LOL!

    Here's my Monday Wrap-up

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
