Throwback Thursday is a weekly meme hosted by The Housework Can Wait and Never to fond of Books.
It's the nature of book blogging to focus mainly on new releases, but there are thousands of great books out there that haven't seen the "New Releases" shelf in years. We hope to be able to bring attention to some older titles that may or not be at the top of the current bestseller list, but still deserve a spot in your To-Be-Read pile.
You don't have to be a book blogger to participate! You can put up a Throwback Thursday post on your non-bookish blog; or if you don't have a blog at all you can use the comments to tell us about a book your remember fondly.
And NOW! We’re expanding! Throwback Thursday is no longer limited to just books! Throwback Thursday is dedicated to shining the spotlight on any book-related old favorites that need to be remembered.What’s your favorite classic television show or movie adaptation? What about your favorite song? Was your favorite toy a character from a book?
Here’s how it works:
- Pick any media (or non-media item) released more than 5 years ago. Remember to keep it book-related!
- Write up a short summary (include the title, author, and cover art, if applicable) and an explanation of why you love it. Make sure to link back to The Housework Can Wait and Never Too Fond of Books in your post.
- Link up your post at The Housework Can Wait or Never Too Fond of Books.
- Visit as many blogs as you can, reminisce about books you loved, and discover some “new” books for your TBR list – or some other classic
My Choice this week:
Charlotte's Web
by E.B. White
Published 1952
"I don't want to die!
Save me, somebody!
Save me!"
The tale of how a little girl named Fern, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig Wilbur from the usual fate of nice fat little pigs.
(From Puffin Books)
An affectionate pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. In this story of friendship, hardship, and the passing on into time, White reminds readers to open their eyes to the wonder and miracle found in the simplest of things.
My thoughts
Who doesn't love a cute little piggy. As a child this was one of my favorite movies as well as book. I've read it countless times. It's a great story that I think all kids should have the chance to share. A couple of weeks ago I took the kids to the base library for the first time they acted like kids in a candy store eating up all the exciting books. I tried to get the 11 year old to get this book but he's hooked on another series right now maybe next time.
What's your Throwback this week?

by E.B. White
Published 1952
"I don't want to die!
Save me, somebody!
Save me!"
The tale of how a little girl named Fern, with the help of a friendly spider, saved her pig Wilbur from the usual fate of nice fat little pigs.
(From Puffin Books)
An affectionate pig named Wilbur befriends a spider named Charlotte, who lives in the rafters above his pen. In this story of friendship, hardship, and the passing on into time, White reminds readers to open their eyes to the wonder and miracle found in the simplest of things.
My thoughts
Who doesn't love a cute little piggy. As a child this was one of my favorite movies as well as book. I've read it countless times. It's a great story that I think all kids should have the chance to share. A couple of weeks ago I took the kids to the base library for the first time they acted like kids in a candy store eating up all the exciting books. I tried to get the 11 year old to get this book but he's hooked on another series right now maybe next time.
What's your Throwback this week?
Despite being a fraidy-cat in relation to spiders, I always loved this book. Great pick!