Title - Ever Shade
Author - Alexia Purdy
Series - A Dark Faerie Tales #1
Genre - YA Fantasy
Published - July 5th 2011
Publisher - Lyrical Lit, Publishing
Format - Kindle Review Copy
Ever Shade A dark twist on faeries. For Shade, a chance meeting with a powerful Teleen faery warrior who wields electrical currents and blue fires along his skin, has her joining him on a treacherous mission for the good Seelie Faerie Court across the land of Faerie. Magic and malice abound and nothing is what it really seems to be. The evil Unseelie Queen and her treacherous allies are around every corner as Shade makes her way across the breathtaking landscapes of the world of Faerie, which exists alongside the mundane human world. Shade discovers her own uncharted magic and meets some of the most powerful warriors in Faerie while battling evil dryads, conniving Teleen guards and challenges on her life with every step in a world where nothing can be taken for granted. Paperback includes the prequel: Evangeline Books in this series: Prequel: Evangeline Book 1: Ever Shade Book 2: Ever Fire Book 3: Ever Winter Book 3.5: The Cursed Book 4: Ever Wrath
I received this book as a R2R. It's been on my TBR list for a while so I was super excited to get the opportunity to read it.
The story is about Shade who has had these voices in her head that want her to do there bidding. It's because of these voices she see's a conflict between two being from faerie, she meets Jack who takes her to his faerie queen and oracle. The oracle also known as a seer, can see that Shade is there to change the battle between the Seelie good court and the UnSeelie the evil court per say. Shade learns that she's not only human but half human and fey. The oracle sends her on a quest to a fountain to get water that will tip the scales in the Seelie favor. She is joined by a band of seelie faeries who will protect her from the evil UnSeelie who will try to stop her. Along the way she learns more about herself who she really is as well as meeting many people some good and some not.
I found the story a hard to put down it easily draws you into the world, so you feel like your there with Shade. The characters are described so well you can almost see them which is something I love in a book. For a first book I think it's a perfect introduction into a world I look forward to reading more about. I enjoyed the book very much it was a pleasure to ready with just enough action to keep you interested and a tiny list hint at love. The main character Shade, is kind and full of compassion you kind of can't not like her. I find it exciting because she's new to the whole faerie world she takes joy in the simple thing, that some take for granted and I like that. What else could I say other then its awesome, and I'm really excited for the next book.
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