Sunday, May 3, 2020

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post
Hosted by:

The Sunday Post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

It's another week of quarantine in the books. I can't believe how long this has gone on. I've been working on my bullet journal for the week it looks like we are on week 8. I'm blown away by how many people aren't social distancing and wearing masks. Granted they are saying masks may not be the answer but at least it doesn't hurt to take more precautions. 

It's been a quiet week with lots of working from home, homework, and finding things to keep us busy. The little one is video game addicted and it's starting to grind my nerves but it's hard to find anything else to do. I wish she loved books like I do we could spend days reading together. 

The weather has been all over some days it's beautiful sunny with a breeze so we can sit outsides, others are hot or super chilly. I think the weather can't make up its mind but I guess that's ok since we are stuck in the house anyway. I'm dreading the super hot summer days stuck inside no chance of hitting he beach or pools. 

Read the last week
I didn't get as much reading as I would have like done and didn't finish everything as I would have liked. I'm hoping to find more time to read this week, as I plan to get the munchkin on a new routine this chaos is wearing me down. I'm too much of a routine freak that taking it day by day in chaos is making me a little nutty and harder to find quiet time to read. 

Posts you may have missed 

New books
I have the Bookworm box that I received I need to take a picture of still. Plus I one-clicked a bunch but I can't for the life of me remember which ones I clicked. 

We didn't get into a routine last week like I would have hoped so I'm going to play it by ear. At least strawberry take is on the list as well as lemon blueberry muffins. I also have a lemon shortbread bar cookie on the list. I think we will be making truffles too but we will see. 

Quote for the week
I love this one. 

I'm still an Instagram addict you should check it out lots of fun!!!
Find me (Here) I working on 10k followers

I hope everyone has a great week. 

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