
Review Policy 

Currently, I'm accepting books on an individual basis. Had a huge reading slump and slowly getting back into the groove. I tend to avoid non-fiction as I find those are harder to get into. 

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Updated as of May 25th 2018 
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  1. Hi Mandy,

    If you are available to consider it, I would like to request a review of my new science fiction novel 'Lifeliners'.

    When everybody is against them, it is tough being a lifeliner, as Nash Bannon found out. Lifeliners are ordinary people…almost.

    They can draw energy from another person; they live longer and are smarter. Scientists claim that Western high-pressure living and growing sterility in developed countries has triggered the rise of lifeliners, and homo sapiens will replaced by homo renata within ten generations. So, what’s not to like about lifeliners? Protest marches by extremist groups, riots, attacks against lifeliners, repressive laws enacted by governments everywhere, were portents of a dark future. Young, successful, Nash Bannon did not like what was going on, but he thought he had the world at his feet and life in Australia was good, provided no one found out he was a lifeliner.

    A chance encounter with Cariana during a lunchbreak develops into something he considered important. The Australian government calls a snap election, and Nash stands as a Senate candidate on the Lifeliner Party ticket. Unless lifeliners rise up and fight for their rights, they can expect sterilization, incarceration, and possible extermination as democracies everywhere turn into autocracies. To survive, the Lifeliner Party must employ the same dirty tricks the government used against them, but they were not prepared for what awaited them.

    Website page: https://www.stefanvucak.com/books/lifeliners/

    The book is available in PDF and Mobi.

    I look forward to hearing from you.


    Stefan Vučak

    Website: https://www.stefanvucak.com
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StefanVucakAuthor
    Linkedin: http://au.linkedin.com/pub/stefan-vucak/60/723/655/
    Twitter: @StefanVucak

  2. Hi, Mandy, I've got a pitch here for you:
    I’ve read your guidelines and abide and honor your requirements. I know you must be swamped, and I’d like to just take the time to thank you for your unselfish service and dedication to us writers. I always ask first.

    Well, what makes this tome standout? I think my book Screamcatcher: Web World is unique in that I have never seen a dream catcher used as a prop or device in the plot or theme of a book on the Internet. My book has shades of Indian lore in it, and I think the characters are diverse and well-drawn. It has a slow-burn sweet romance. I see this as a mash-up between (a serious) Ghostbusters and The Hunger Games. I've included the blurb in this email for your perusal. For a deeper probe, you can click on Christy's website (included) in the sig line below. I hope you like this idea.

    Most Kindly Yours,

    Christy Breedlove (pen name)

    AMAZON SCREAM PAGE: https://www.amazon.com/Screamcatcher-World-Christy-J-Breedlove-ebook/dp/B07QDK5M75/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=Screamcatcher+Web+World&qid=1555016089&s=books&sr=1-1-spell

    The pub date was officially 4-23-2019, so it’s a recent breakout. You can get to it whenever you please—I have no priorities or demands. The publisher is Melange Books, Fire & Ice. Age range: Upper YA 15—19. Pages: 218, Words: 67,000. Formats: PDF, Kindle/Mobi, E-Pub.

  3. Hi Mandy.

    After reading several of your reviews on The Reading Diaries blog, I think you might enjoy my newly (self) published science fiction novel. Your review of "Bridgeworld" by Travis McBee displayed the depth of insight that I am seeking for an early reviewer.

    My book, Perfect Imperfection, centers around the adventures of a not-too-smart, over-weight young man with a receding hairline who stumbles onto and into a secret benevolent society of scientists, called Perfect Imperfection or PI. With assistance PI’s accelerated learning and artificial intelligence technologies, Billings trains to become a virtual secret agent that helps humanity in the face of accelerating scientific, ecological and social evolution. The antagonist, Blackbeard, an elite black hat hacker, employs cutting-edge tech to land the biggest score of his career. An epic virtual game of cat and mouse ensues, with everything in the balance.

    I've tried to give hope to the reader despite the path the world is on, there is a way to save us. The point behind the story is to show we can overcome the trivialness of all our imperfections, be they physical, social, intelligence or economic. I will donate all profits of the book to causes that are consistent the book’s key themes.

    Mandy, by way of introduction, my name is S. E. Gould, and I’m a recovering software entrepreneur and corporate finance executive, looking to spend the best part of my life writing fiction that may help inspire the world to choose a better path.

    If you are interested in reviewing, I am happy to send you a pdf, epub or can gift you a free amazon kindle version or paperback. Lastly, if you want an interview or run a giveaway for your followers, I can help you out there as well. I appreciate your consideration.


    S. E. Gould

  4. Hi there,

    I am a self-published author and wanted to submit my book for you to review.

    My book is a Young Adult Spy Adventure called Death by Midnight: The Secret Life of Anna Goode series. Below is a brief synopsis:

    Anna Goode is a teenaged-genius with a secret—her homemade inventions that she only shares with her best friend, Jake. But when a shadowy figure kidnaps Anna’s parents, she is forced to help him carry out his mysterious plan. With her inventions and Jake by her side, Anna must use her gifted mind to save not only her parents but countless others. And she better hurry. Because the clock is ticking.

    If you are interested in reviewing it, I can send the .epub, PDF, and .mobi formats.

    I look forward to hearing back from you.

    Thank you for your time,


  5. Hi, I'm Stefen Farmer, Author of Interstate Narcos
    From ages 18 and up
    Interstate Narcos---197pages
    Published 08/23/19

    Brief Synopsis:
    It’s been said, if you were to start your own business, chances of you returning to prison were slim. So, the S-man did just that. On the road to success, and eager for a brighter future, he wound up doing those same things that he'd vowed never to do never do again. The business of transporting, and smuggling goods across state lines is what gives him a continuous amount of motivation. But everybody knows, behind every good man there’s a good woman, and he believes the love of his life keeps him on track.
    Those long, lonely days in prison were used meeting contacts and setting things up for the future. While others thought he was wasting his time, he knew otherwise. His charismatic ways have always attracted the right people in his life. From the woman he wants to marry one day, all the way down to gathering resources and planning his life like a professional chess player.
    In the beginning, though, it was rough for him, adjusting to freedom after so many years in prison. B kept him up to date with all the happenings, the funerals, who came home and who went in. He cherished those 20-minute phone calls. So did the others, separated from their families. It’s a billion-dollar business that he didn’t care for, promising himself never to see the inside of a prison cell again.
    B had bad vibes and had told him so the first night he’d spent at her apartment. Of course, having her man back meant everything, but she hoped that he’d changed, and would have his mind on positive things.
    Thank you for your time.


  6. I'm writing to tell you about my new literary fiction novel, The Bird that Sang in Color (1/17/21, 356 p.) It has received stellar reviews from various literary book blogs, individual reviewers, and Midwest Book Review.

    Part family drama and part self-actualization story, this is about Donna Greco, who in her teens, subscribes to a conventional view of success in life and pushes her freewheeling, artistic brother, Vincent to do the same. However, he refuses to conform and she harbors guilt for her supposed failure to ensure his happiness until she discovers a book of sketches he made of his life, which allows her to see his internal joy and prompts her own journey of living authentically.

    I would love to send you a free copy in exchange for a review. Thank you very much for your time, and I look forward to hearing back from you at your earliest convenience.

    Warm regards, Grace Mattioli


  7. How do I ask you for a review of a book??

  8. Hi Mandy,
    My latest historical fiction is a bit different from your usual fare, On Waves of Glory, features the life of the famous French naval commander, Count Guy de Kersaint. His nautical adventures, based on records, took him from Europe and the New World, to Africa and India, and from stately palaces of kings to Mississippi Choctaw villages. Unlike other tall ship books, the novel centers not only on his sea exploits, fighting enemies and storms, but on his love life. Count de Kersaint’s naval commitment to King Louis XV remained conflicted by an unrequited passion for headstrong Marie and dedication to Jeanne, his wife. Amid the telling, the story subtly examines his growth in moral and spiritual understanding. This book is 276 pages, softbound, and may be read as a stand-alone from the series.

    On Waves of Glory is the third and final book of my Tween Sea and Shore Series, which explores the many real and fictional men and women swept up in the wake of a warship built in the mid-1700s, la Renommée, the fastest frigate of its day. Throughout the series, historical accuracy, and detail take the reader into the characters’ world of political intrigue, sea wars, betrayals, murder, pride, and redemption.

    FireShip Press released On Waves of Glory on May 1st of this year, so your honest review is not an issue of expedience, and I would greatly appreciate your efforts. Let me know your preference of PDF, Kindle, or softcover and how to get it to you.

    Thank you for your kind consideration of my request,
    D. E. Stockman
