Friday, September 24, 2021

New Release Day: Two + One = Murder by S.B. Biddinger

Happy Release Day! 

Title: Two + One = Murder 
Author:  S.B. Biddinger 
Series: 3 installment in the Wes and Oz series 
Genre: Mystery 


Looking out through his patio windows Wes noticed summer was coming to an end as the leaves were starting to show off their fall colors. Today he planned to relax with his eighty-pound tri-color collie, Oz. They were attending what was the last big car show of the summer hosted by the local GMC Jimmy Club. Classic car enthusiasts would come from all over the valley and neighboring states with hopes of leaving the show with one of the coveted handcrafted metal trophies. It had always been a dream of Wes to add one of these special trophies to his trophy case.

He turned the ignition key and the "Bird" his nineteen fifty-eight Thunderbird came to life, its deep rumble shook the garage walls. No car show adventure would be complete without first stopping by Betty's "Whole Bakery Experience". She had the best apple fritters in the valley for Wes and some special animal treats for Oz.

Little did Wes know that by the end of the day he would again be called upon to investigate a murder at the park. This time however it would be personal. He would have to prove the innocence of one of his buddies and keep him from the clutches of a young D.A. who was out to prove himself. With each passing day, time was running out for Wes to bring the real killer to justice.

With the blessing from Marti, the love of his life, and with Oz by his side for protection he must follow a trail of embezzlement, twisted love affairs while back-stabbing club politics hamper his digging into the truth. Hopefully, Wes's keen investigative abilities will put the true killer (s) behind bars.

This book is very special to me as it's my dad's third book in his Wes and Oz series. Today is also his birthday!!! 

This just happens to be the real Oz he's inspiration for the book. 

Be sure to add them to your reading list on goodreads (Here

Check him out at his website (Here

And Instagram (Here

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