Monday, December 30, 2019

2020 Bookish Resolutions Challenge

2020 Bookish Resolutions Challenge #BookishRes2020
Sign up (Here)

I always attempt this one but seem to get overwhelmed by my goals. This year I'm making a list and plan to be successful with them all. I like to think I've got a great list a little bit of this and that. 

1. I want to read 250 books this year. I had a huge reading slump in 2019 and hope to change that with the new year. 

2. Read 2 manga per week. 

3. Read 2 comic books per week. 

4. Post every day on Instagram. I've become a bit of a slacker on this one over the year as well. 

5. Blog every day. Start turning some of my content and post ideas into reality. I'm really good at coming up with ideas just not great at executing them. 

Not a crazy list but a great start for the new year. 


  1. These are some really good goals! I hope reading will go well for you next year and I like the idea of reading comics and manga more too :D Hopefully you can get some of those creative bookstagram and blog posts out!

    Olivia-S @ Olivia's Catastrophe

  2. Definitely a good start! I'm doing a lot of my same goals from last year, just because I want to keep them up or do better. I did add a few new ones though to my post which you can check out HERE.
