Sunday, November 19, 2017

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post
Hosted by:

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Happy Sunday Funday! 
It's been ages since I've written a Sunday Post. I love this weekly but I've been super book burned out and blogging has taken a little of a back burner. I've finally found my way out of this book slump and hope to get back into the groove. I love blogging and reading but maybe I needed a little break which is just what I had. 

So this week I've been making goals for the last month and half. What I can cut off my to do list. What I need to move to next year. What my goals are going to be. What changes I want to make on my blog for the next year. 

Reading has been off so I'm far from my 250 that I'm going to have to drop it down to 150 in hopes I can get there before the end of the year. That's still finishing 55 books before the end of the year. I've not read any manga or comics so maybe that will help. I'm hopeful that it will help my funk. I'm going to work on more mood reading and starting to DNF more because I've noticed that's why I've had some of my book funks. 

The weather has been gradually getting colder but we are in Northern California so it's not super cold a light jacket is all I need. We've had a little rain but not as much as I would like. I love reading by the window when it rains and hope we will have a lot more over the next few months. Thankfully we won't have any snow because I don't miss it. 

Read this past week 

Paper Princess by Erin Watt - Love it so much. Need to write my review. 

Posts you may have missed at TRD since my last update. 

Crafty projects & Baking/cooking & Gardening. 

I've not been very crafty or cooking over the last few months. However, the kids are out of school and I have a long list of stuff to bake and cook this week. Plus lots of crafty projects to finish. I've got lots of cookies to make over the next few weeks. 

Quote/ fun stuff
I love this it fits me so well. I'm not as big of tea drinker but I do love a hot cup of tea. 

Around the Blogosphere

#Coyer Winter Switch sign up has started. I've signed up have you? Sign up (here

None this week. I've been struggling with my goals and hope to just go with it the rest of the year. 

This coming week @ TRD
A bunch of reviews and a few fun posts. 

A little bookish and crafty love. 

I'm still an Instagram addict you should check it out lots of fun!!!!
Find me (Here) I working on 9k followers

I hope everyone has a great week. 


  1. Sometimes a break is a good thing. With health issues I had to do that for quite a while, and it was hard but necessary. But I am happy to be back blogging again. Your books look amazing, I have a copy of The Night Realm, it sounds like it will be a really good read. Happy reading.

    My Sunday Post

  2. A break always helps and you are in the same boat as me with the slump. It is driving me crazy. I plan to work the blog different next year. I am hoping to get some reading in because I seriously can't deal with not reading ANYTHING. I also not sure if I will make my TBR list read this month.

    I hope you have an amazing week, Mandy! Happy Reading! ox

  3. I’m glad you’re getting over your slump. Those are the worst. Have a great week and enjoy your new books!

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

  4. Glad to have you back! It can be hard getting over a book slump sometimes.

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  5. Blogging can be pretty hard sometimes, I'm glad you're out of your slump and back to both reading and blogging, Mandy! I never DNF'ed books before I started blogging, but now, I have no qualms whatsoever.
    I hope you're having a great week, and that you're enjoying your new books.
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews
