Sunday, June 18, 2017

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post
Hosted by:

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

Happy Sunday! 

Summer break is in full swing now. Both kids are finally on break and now the routine can begin. I'm hoping that they will stop getting up so early in the morning but it looks like they are just morning kids.

The weather has been crazy at the start of the week it was cool we had all the windows open and today it's going to be over 100. We are in Northern California so it's a dry desert which is nice no humidity but when it's hot it's so hot. We are expecting another week of hot 100-degree temperatures. I'm crossing my fingers for cooler temperatures. 

I didn't get to read as much as I would have liked this week but I'm hoping that I will be able to get back in the groove. 

Currently 79 of 250 and behind a lot. I'm hoping to catch up by the end of the summer. 

Read this past week 

Winter Wolf Vol 5 by R.J. Blain (Review to come) 

Posts you may have missed at TRD this week or the prior week. 
New Books
Picked up a bunch of eBooks this week. 

Crafty projects & Baking/cooking & Gardening. 

I only finished a bag in honor of National sewing day. It turned out great it even stands up on it's own. I had hoped to finish this mermaid tail that never seems to end and hope to this week. 

I made chicken Tikka Marsala for the first time this week. It turned out so much better than I would have expected and I plan to make it again as a regular to our dinner rotation. I also started my sourdough starters again as I plan to be a pro by the end of summer at making it. We will see how it turns out so far it's looking hopeful. 

It's been lots of cherry tomatoes and we have one big tomato that has turned orange so soon we will be able to slice it up. I've decided it's time to start a succulent pot or two over the next few weeks. 

Bullet Journaling 
These are my favorite pages from the week. Coyer started this week and I created a spread to keep track of the books I've read. I'm still playing with my weekly spread I don't love it. I really love this reading tracking and may have to put all my reading challenges in this format next year. 

Quote/ fun stuff
I love these. 

Around the Blogosphere
#Fitreaders check in @ The Geeky Bloggers Book Blog
Summer Reading List Coyer has started sign up (here

Finish my mermaid tail. 
I'm making a doctor who bag and a few others this week. 
I'm shooting for 6 books this week. 
I need to catch up on my reviews. It's been hard finding time to sit down to write them. 
My goals haven't changed this week but that's because I didn't hit them as I had hoped. 

This coming week @ TRD
A bunch of reviews and a few fun posts. 

I'm still an Instagram addict you should check it out lots of fun!!!!
Find me (Here) I working on 9k followers

I hope everyone has a great week. 


  1. The bag you made looks awesome! Have a nice weekend :)

  2. It was a slow reading week for me as well. I hope you can catch up!
    Congrats on your awesome pile of books.

  3. You have been busy! Ah yes the lazy days of summer. When they are teens they will sleep in..LOL I hope you are able to get more reading in this summer.

  4. You got some great finds this week. Love when you can get some lightly used books at a great price....

  5. Love your food pics and I'm personally not a morning person myself, but I hope your kids have some fun in the mornings!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

  6. Holy you've been so busy! So many posts! Love that bag, too...great job :) That tiki marsala looks should post the recipe.
    Here's my Sunday Post :)
