
Tuesday, May 10, 2022

RELEASE BLITZ - Fireball by Lainey Davis

Title: Fireball
An Enemies to Lovers Romance
Series: Bridges and Bitters #1
Author: Lainey Davis
Genre: Steamy Romantic Comedy
Release Date: May 10, 2022

He hates her for some reason. She will not rest until she changes his mind.

People always like Samantha Vine. It's kind of her thing. All the employees at her tech startup think she's the best boss, and the community partners and investors she woos not only trust, but adore her.

Everyone likes her, except him.

Sam may have been caught off guard when she accidentally insulted science teacher AJ Trachtenberg, but she's pulling out all the stops trying to make it up to him…and it’s not working. Offering his students a swanky field trip doesn't win him over—it only seems to make him grumpier.

Unfortunately, grumpy looks very good on him. AJ is tall, dark, and annoyingly handsome and he’s got a giant chip on his shoulder. Honestly, his smoldering is distracting.

Sam can’t afford any distractions right now, not with the media hounding her as she tries to take her company public. Maybe she can swing a one-time naked distraction, though. That doesn’t have to mean anything, right? She’s not looking for a happily-ever-after here. She’s just trying to get him out of her head.

Alas, when it comes to business and bossy men, Samantha Vine has trouble letting go.

Fireball is the laugh-out-loud first stand-alone installment of the Bridges and Bitters series. If you love found family, hilarious antics, and off-the-charts heat, you'll devour these sexy romantic comedies.


“Samantha!” He uses his stern teacher voice when he says my full name and I feel it in every one of my nucleotides.
“Yes?” I whisper, shaking away the sudden fantasy I have of him rapping my knuckles with a ruler. I never even went to Catholic school, so I’m not sure where that comes from.
He rakes a hand through his dark hair, and a loose piece tumbles across his forehead. This man is a snack and he apparently hates me and that’s a really bad combination, because now I’m fully immersed in a very deep desire to make him like me. Oh god, I’m seeking his approval.

Lainey Davis lives in Pittsburgh in the USA with her 3 feral sons, 2 rescued rabbits, and 1 tired husband. She loves brooding heroes, fiery heroines, and happily ever afters.


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