
Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Waiting on Wednesday

Waiting on Wednesday 
Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event, hosted by Jill at Breaking The Spine, that spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating. In my case not so patiently waiting for the new releases, which I lack.

I'm in love with this weeks cover. The synopsis sounds amazing. I can't wait to get my hands on a copy. 

My Choice this week is

The Tracker Hive Academy 
by - Avery Song 
Expected Publication - June 1st 2019
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I've dealt with my share of homelessness. I've endured being the bad gal in the room. I’ve taken a lot of life’s punches on the chin. But never did I expect to be forced to attend an academy full of power-hungry delinquents. 

Born with powers far too great to control, I ended up homeless at eight years old. With my family gone, I lived on the streets, learning quickly that the world was just as cold as my beating heart. 

Because I carry all eight magic elements, enemies sought me out from every dark corner. Luckily, I was saved and taken in by Alaric Masters, headmaster of Tracker Hive Academy.

My name is Jade Storm, and I’m the youngest recruit to become a Tracker. 

Now that I'm eighteen, Alaric is insisting that I attend the academy. I’ll do it, but on my own terms. My only goal is to learn just how powerful I am and breeze through the next four years. I have no interest in joining any cliques, and I’m not here to make friends. If there’s one thing life has taught me, it’s that I work best alone.

However, the Troubled Four — Zeke, Zion, Zackery, and Zeus — have other plans. Quadruplets who together carry all eight elements, the boys are desperate to make me submit to their trickery. They’re stupid to think I’ll play by anyone's rules but my own.

I can handle whatever threats, traps, bullying, and schemes are thrown my way, because I'm not here to be a good student. I'm here to keep my secret safe from those who will do everything to see me perish.

Game on. 
What are you waiting on?

1 comment:

  1. Oh nice! New to me but I hope you will love it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)
