
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke And The Bookish. Now hosted over at That Artsy Reader Girl


This weeks topic is a little tougher as I'm all over the place when it comes to reading. 

1. The Help by Kathryn Stockett - Published 2009 - I remember picking this one up the week it came out and diving right in. I couldn't wait to check it out, and I enjoyed every moment of it. 

2. Spirit Bound by Richelle Mead - Published 2010 - This one wasn't read in 2010 only because I hadn't taken the time to start the series and was waiting for them all to come out. I actually binged the entire series in a week and a half when the series was done. Still to this day one of my favorites. 

3. The Night Circus by Rin Morgenstern - Published 2011 - This one was read by my book club a few years later. To this day this is still one of my favorite books and I'm itching for a re-read in the near future. 

4. Cinder by Marissa Meyer - Published 2012 - I picked this one up for a reading challenge and was instantly in love. I've gotten behind in the series but It's still one of my favorite stories. 

5. Beautiful Bastard by Christina Lauren - Published 2013 - I picked this series up just last year and I'm still working on it. However, the first is still my favorite I love Chloe and Bennett. 

6. The One by Kiera Cass - Published 2014 - My best friend and I are hooked on the series so we both rushed out to pick up our copies at the local bookstore. We devoured it together finishing it the same day. One of my favorite series still to this day. 
7. A Court of Thorns and Roses by Sarah J Maas & Confess by Colleen Hoover - Published 2015 I couldn't pick just one for 2015 as both of these are two of my all-time favorite books. I know I need to finish A Court of Thornes and Roses and re-read Confess over. These are both equally amazing books much deserving of being the best of 2015. 
8. Vampire Girl by Karpov Kinrade - Published 2016 - This one was a must read for me it had me right from the start I couldn't put it down and dove right into the next book in the series. 

9. Silence Fallen by Patricia Briggs - Published 2017 - I jumped at the chance to read this one early as a review. Mercy is still to this day one of my favorites when it comes to urban fantasy. Who doesn't love a coyote shifter who runs with wolves? 

10. House of Darken By Jaymin Eve - Published 2018 - I picked this one up because I've enjoyed other books by the author and wasn't disappointed. I need to finish the series. 

What's on your list this week?


  1. The cover for Silence Fallen is so pretty.

    My TTT.

  2. I have very good memories of THE NIGHT CIRCUS, too. I wonder how it would be as a re-read. My 10 years of favorites

  3. OOh nice ones! Seeing a lot of the ACOTAR trilogy! They were definitely faves but I tried to pick some lesser known ones for some of my picks!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. The Night Circus made my list too, it's amazing! Great choices :)

  5. The only familiar cover here is The Help and it would certainly have been on my list - except I started from 2010. I've read one book by Keira Kass - the first of her Selection Series and quite enjoyed.
    My list is here -

  6. I loved The One <3 It was kind of a guilty please read for me and I tore through the entire series <3
