
Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday
Top Ten Tuesday is an original feature/weekly meme created at The Broke And The Bookish. Who doesn't love lists. They make life easy! And fun!! It's always a never ending topic.

Ten Books on my winter TBR list....
This makes me laugh a little because I've been working on my winter list for #coyer. 

1. Armada by Ernest Cline - This one has been on my TBR forever and I'm determined to get to it before 2018 is over. I actually forgot all about it as it was added to my growing pile and forgotten. 

2. Mad Magic by Nicole Conway - I love her dragonriders series and can't wait to dive right into her new one. 

3. Hotbloods by Bella Forrest -  I can't have a list and not have at least one vampire romance. 

4. by River Laurent - This one has been on my TBR for a while. It sounds like a perfect contemporary romance. 

5. Broken Trouble by Kristan Billups - I keep meaning to get to it but haven't yet. Soon. 

6. Winter's Guardian by G. Bailey - Another must have werewolves.


7. A Forever Kind of Love by Krista Lakes - I love her books she's my go-to for billionaire romance. 

8. Charm by J.A. Armitage - I've become a quick fan of the harem concept. Not sure why but so far all I've read have been done well. 

9. Moon Kissed by Jennifer Snyder - This one sounds good. 

10. Allison's Adventure in Underland by C.M. Stunich - I can't wait to get my hands on this one. It's another harem book but it's also wonderland. I can't wait. 

What's on your list?


  1. OOh nice! Totally new to me ones! Liking the looks of the fairy tale ones though! Hope you enjoy them all this winter!

    Here's my Tuesday Post

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Some of these look really interesting. I've located some new finds here for sure.

  3. I haven't heard of most of these. looks fun! I hope you love it and all the others on your list.

    Happy TTT!

  4. I really liked Armada, hope you enjoy it. I hadn't heard of, but it sounds like my type of read. Great list!
    Check out my TTT
