
Monday, September 7, 2015

Book Review: Dawn

Title - Dawn 
Author - Alyssa Rose Ivy
Series - The Dire Wolves Chronicles 
Genre - New Adult Paranormal
Published - September 3rd 2015
Format - Kindle 

It is always darkest before dawn.

Gage and Mary Anne are on the run and determined to break Hunter out of prison so he can finish changing Gage. They look to Mary Anne’s college friend Genevieve and the zany Dire Denny for assistance, but in the end, help comes from the unlikeliest of places.

Hunter must end the hunt even if it means destroying his own brother and giving up on the girl destined to be his. With betrayal surrounding him at every turn, his best chance at ending the hunt is someone he is sworn to hate. 

I received Dawn in return for an honest review. Mary Anne and Gage are free at last but at the cost of having to out the Dire’s to the society. While they are on the outside Hunter and his pack are locked in the Pterons jail until the King decides what to do with them. Gage’s transformation isn’t complete so he needs to get Hunter as well as the rest of the pack out and with the help of one of Mary Anne’s human friends they might just do that. Mary Anne knows that the King’s wife might just be the key to saving the Dire’s so she trackers her down and sets a meeting up. However Gage is requested at the meeting and Allie brings with her Levi her husband as well as the King of the Society.

Levi agrees to set the Dire’s free but in return Mary Anne and Gage have to bring in Hunter’s brother because unlike Hunter he’s not a good guy. Knowing if they want to save Gage they need to being in Hunters brother they set out to find him. However they aren’t the only ones who will be hunting him down the young female Pteron guard who’s watching the female dire has plans to catch him as well to prove her worth. Will they be able to find Hunter’s brother before Gage runs out of time? What secret’s will they uncover along the way?

I love Gage and Mary Anne they are one of my favorite Alyssa Rose Ivy paranormal couples. Deep down I knew they are meant to be together even though I knew it would hurt Hunter and as much as I wanted to dislike him he’s really not a bad guy. I like Mary Anne while she may be a human in the supernatural world she in love with one of the Dire’s whom she’s been crushing on long before anything ever happened between them. Now that the man she loves turn’s furry she’s still staying by his side risking her life to save him.

Dawn is the third and final installment in the Dire Wolves Chronicles. The Dire Chronicles is a spin-off of Crescent Chronicles so we are given a chance to see some of my favorite character as they all are connected in one way or another. I really enjoyed that the characters while different series are intertwine together forming new friendships and alliances. I’m captivated by the concept for the Dire’s after all shifters are one of my favorites to read and they are werewolves but kicked it up a notch. I always get a little nervous when a love triangle happens because they typically don’t end well but this one does. Everything works out for the best and I see some potential love in Hunter’s future with a winged girl. I’m conflicted on how I feel about the end because I hate letting go of characters that I’ve grown attached to. The only plus side is that based on the past I know they will pop up in future stories that will come out. I love the authors writing style it’s fast paced well written and I always have a hard time putting them down. I can’t wait to see what comes next. 

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