
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Book Tour: Review Velvet

Publisher: Swoon Reads
Release Date: May 12th 2015
Genre: Young Adult, Paranormal, Vampires
Rate: 5 Stars

First rule of dealing with hot vampire bodyguards? Don't fall in love.

After losing both her parents before age seventeen, aspiring designer Caitlin Holte feels like her whole world has been turned upside down, and that was before the terrifying encounter with a supernatural force. Then, she learns that her hot bad-boy neighbor, Adrian—who might have just saved her life—is actually a half-demon vampire.

Suddenly Caitlin is stuck with a vampire bodyguard who feels that the best way to protect her is to become her pretend boyfriend. Trouble is, Caitlin is starting to fall in love for real, while Adrian can never love a human. Caitlin trusts Adrian to keep her safe from his demon father, but will he be able to protect her heart?
Opening Line
"By the suits and ties of Tim Gunn, I swear I will hunt you down and eat you for breakfast"

I received Velvet in return for an honest review as part of the tour hosted by FFBC. Caitlin hasn’t had the best year her mother lost her battle with cancer. She’s been forced to leave the only home she knows to live with her aunt who never had anything to do when her mother was sick.  Caitlin isn’t handling the loss of her mother well, and after leaving the house one afternoon she catches the attention of two strangers one who wants to use her and the other who wants to protect her. In order to keep her alive, Adrian will need to pretend to be her boyfriend so he can protect her from a demon.

While it starts out innocent enough just a plan to keep Caitlin safe they find themselves falling for the other spending every chance together. Unfortunately for Caitlin she doesn’t have a future with Adrian after all he’s a half-demon vampire who can’t die and will live forever plus the council won’t let them get attached to humans. Thanks to Adrian she is settling into life even making friends, even stopped being hostile to her aunt. Suddenly the dreams start and things change but with the help of Adrian she even learns to handle them until the night everything changed. Will Caitlin and Adrian be able to survive the demon who is hunting her? What about after when they have to end their fake relationship?

I instantly connected to Caitlin right from the start she’s dealing with some tough emotions and it isn’t easy to get over losing the only home she’s known. It’s been rough watching her mother deal with the loss of her father when she was little wasn’t easy either but she’s been given a new start and she learns to make it work. I loved Adrian he’s exactly what she needed in her life and she is what he needed. They each didn’t have the best childhoods but I know that they will figure it out in the future.

I wasn’t sure what to expect the synopsis sounded really interesting and the cover is beautiful. I picked up Velvet with high hopes it was the first sentence that sealed the deal I was hooked. Typically it takes at least a page or couple chapters for me to be hooked to a book but it’s the opening sentence. I loved the characters they are easy to connect with I found myself sucked into Caitlin’s world right away. I enjoyed that Velvet while a vampire/demon story is unique the concept I found refreshing compared to other YA vampire romance novels. Velvet is one of those novels that is hard to put down loaded with action, romance, and just enough suspense to keep you on the edge of your seat. I like an emotional story that makes you cheer the characters on and Velvet doesn’t disappoint. My only complaint is that it’s a cliffhanger and I need the next one yesterday so I can see what happens next. I loved Velvet and can’t wait for the next one.   

“Sorry I dragged you away from dinner,” I said, realizing the time. “You want to eat with us?”
He seemed to consider it, then shook his head. “I’d better get back. Gotta take my medication.”
I arched a brow questioningly. “I thought your immune system kicked ass?”
He laughed. “Sorry, ‘medication’ is what we call it when we need to drink blood. It’s kind of an inside joke.”
“Oh.” I said, blushing for some reason. I should have kept my mouth shut, but curiosity got the better of me. “Does it…taste good?”
He stared at me for a long moment, before his gaze drifted down to my neck.
“You can’t imagine.”

My pulse jumped, half in fear and half in…something else. His voice had gone low and liquid, his eyes were burning silver.
“Hey Cait?” he murmured, and though he hadn’t moved an inch, it felt as though he were leaning towards me.
“Yeah?” I whispered.
He wasn’t looking at me in the eye anymore, just staring somewhere above my chest and below my jaw. The sound of my own heart seemed loud in my ears, and if I could hear it, so could Adrian.
His eyes flicked to my face. “You should really get out now.”
I blinked. “Yeah.”

I scrambled to undo my seatbelt and almost fell out of the truck. I could hear the click of the automatic locks snapping into place the moment the door was closed. Adrian peeled out of the driveway, back into darkness.
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Follow the Velvet by Temple West Blog Tour and don't miss anything! Click on the banner to see the tour schedule.

Temple West, debut author of the YA paranormal romance Velvet, is as nerdy in real life as she is on the Twitter. Armed with a very shiny English degree, she spent four months in Oxford holed up at the Radcliffe Camera amongst the hush of ancient books and the rich musk of academia. Returning to Los Angeles, she acquired a concurrent degree in film, mostly as an excuse to write essays about The Princess Bride and Hook. She can sew (poorly), drive stick (please fasten your seatbelt), and mostly lift her feet off the ground while stuttering into first gear on a very small motorcycle. She currently lives in Seattle and is the proud mother to a one-year-old laptop and a vintage Remington typewriter.

1 comment:

  1. Great review! Dying to read this one and find myself contemplating buying a signed copy...LOL! This one just sounds incredible and glad to hear it lived up to it! Again, great review!
