
Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Sunday Post

The Sunday Post 
Hosted by:

The Sunday post is a weekly meme hosted by Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer~ It's a chance to share new ~ A post to recap the past week on your blog, showcase books and things we have received and share news about what is coming up on our blog for the week ahead. 

While last week wasn't very productive this week has been much better. I've read several books this week.  

Posts this past week you may have missed at TRD

Maplecroft by Cherie Priest - Review
The Hazards of Sleeping with a Friend by Alyssa Rose Ivy - Review
L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad - Review
The Hazards of Sex on the Beach by Alyssa Rose Ivy - Review
Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! & I started a new Feature #DustOffYourBookshelf this week we are both very excited about it. Check it out here
Lots of Cover reveals, Blitz posts this week. 

Newest additions to my shelves. 

For review
Spelled by Betsy Schow - via Edelweiss from the publisher Sourcebooks - Super excited for this one. 

Would-Be Witch by Kimberly Frost 
Entangled by Amy Rose Capetta 
Breaking Sky by Cori McCarthy

I know I clicked on a lot of kindle freebies this week. 

Around the blogosphere
Stormi @ Books, Movies, Reviews! Oh My! has a great review of Dark Alchemy - Review
Michelle @ Michelle's Minions has a great review of Vanishing Girls - Review
Berls @ Fantasy Is More Fun has a review of Cursed by Fire Which she loved - Review

This coming week @ TRD
Hopefully my discussion post I've been working on 
Lots of reviews
and who knows =D


  1. Thanks for the link-back :) Good luck getting that discussion post up, I love those!

    I enjoyed Would-Be Witch, I hope you do too! I listened to it, but the story was fun so it should be good in any format :)

  2. I almost wish I hadn't stopped by -- there are too many good books here and my wishlist just grew! Having spent all of March reading down my TBR stack, I'm looking forward to the freedom to get some new (or new-to-me) books from the library or spending some gift card money that's burning a hole in my pocket. I'll be interested in reading your review of Breaking Sky.

  3. Congrats on getting more books read! I love productive weeks, and I wish they came around more often :D And Spelled! I can't wait to read it, and I really hope you love it! Have a great week! :)

  4. OOh very nice! I thought about requesting Spelled myself, but I've been so overwhelmed with my review stack lately. I miss reading from my TBR Mountain of Doom. Sigh...

    Hope you enjoy all your new reads though!!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. I am beginning to think I need to request Spelled cause everyone I know is getting it...I must be missing :)

  6. I kind of skimmed your Maplecroft post last week as I have an ARC from BEA last summer. Still need to get to it. I also have Spelled for a review tour I think. Great haul!
    Check out my Sunday Post

  7. Lot's of good looking books this week. AHHH you got spelled! Awesome!

    I hope you enjoy :) Happy Reading!

    Here's my Weekly Wrap Up

    Michelle @ Book Briefs
