
Sunday, April 20, 2014

Review: Pride's Run

Title - Pride's Run
Author - Cat Kalen
Series - A Wolf's Pride #1
Genre - YA Paranormal Romance
Published - November 2nd 2011
Publisher - Bloomsbury USA Children's Books


Seventeen year old Pride is a tracker—a werewolf with a hunger for blood. Taught to trick and to lure, she is the perfect killing machine. 

Kept leashed in the cellar by a master who is as ruthless as he is powerful, Pride dreams of freedom, of living a normal life, but escape from the compound is near impossible and disobedience comes with a price.

When she learns her master intends to breed her she knows she has to run.

Pride soon learns if she is to survive in the wild, she must trust in the boy who promises her freedom, the same boy she was sent to hunt.

With life and death hanging in the balance the two find themselves on the run from the Paranormal Task Force—officers who shoot first and ask questions later—as well as her master’s handlers.

Can Pride flee the man who has held her captive since birth and find sanctuary in the arms of a boy who has captured her heart? Or will her master find her first?

I received Prides Run in return for an honest review from the publisher via NetGalley. Pride has spent her whole life in the captivity of her master living in cages. She is a werewolf who’s been trained to be a tracker who works for her master as a killer. Her parents are dead killed by the master, and now he has plans to mate her to Stone the alpha who hates her in hopes of breaking her. When at the last minute Pride is sent on a mission she knows this may be her only chance to get away before it’s too late. Her target is a young boy her age, but after looking at him he’s also a werewolf and when the chance arises she takes it to run away.

Pride isn't just running from her handlers who will drag her back to her master but also the PTR (Paranormal Task Force) who will put a bullet in her without a second thought. Trusting people doesn’t come easy for Pride but if she’s going to survive she’ll have to trust Logan the stranger at that was her mark. The pair head off into the forest fleeing the PTR as well as her handlers. Pride has never been free before so this is all new, but with the help of Logan he teaches her to survive. Will the PRT or the handlers find her before it’s too late?

I instantly connected with Pride she’s had such a rough life she captured my heart. I rooted her own through the book she’s tough not your wimpy character but she’s also unsure about the real world. I wasn’t sure how I felt about Stone at first but by the end he proved he’s not a bad guy. What can I say about Logan other than he’s awesome; he’s patient with Pride and sees her for the person she is not what she looks like. He’s an honest good guy who I think is perfect to pull her out of her shell and teach her to live among the humans.

I’ve had my eye on Pride’s Run for a long time and when I saw it on NetGalley I had to request it. However it’s sat on my kindle for ages because I just was overwhelmed with books for review. Yesterday morning I selected it, captivated right from the start with Prides story, she’s not your typical werewolf. The whole story is packed full of action, emotions, romance, and self-discovery. I think the author has taken the werewolf concept putting her own unique spin on the idea creating a unique refreshing story. My only complaint is I’m confused what they look like when the shade from human to werewolf some of the descriptions almost make me feel like it’s not a wolf just a tough skinned human body. Other than that I loved the story, the characters are engaging and it kept my drawn in from start to finish. The story does have a potential love triangle which I try to avoid but due to the cliff hanger I know I need to read the next book to see what happens. It was hard to put down I would have stayed up all night if I wasn’t so tried. There is a sex scene but it’s mild so teens as well as adults should enjoy the story. 
4 out of 5 stars

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