
Friday, October 4, 2013

Diary Entry

Diary Update 
October 4th 2013

It's already the fourth. Where has the time gone? I'm so behind which means this will be a tough month I can tell.
I at last watched Pride and Prejudice which I loved. I hope to buy a copy in the near future.
I've decided I'm going to collect the leather bound classics from B&N. My hubby even agreed they would look on the bookshelf.

25 Books mostly reviews because I'm trying to catch up.
Read as many netgalley as possible.  
Comment more and respond better to comments. 
Attempt to be more social (Super Shy) in the blogger world. 
Accept less review requests. 

Started my 30 day book blog challenge today. Check it out (here)


 Rewrite Redemption by J.H. Walker (Goodreads) It's a little slow but I like the concept.
Hunted: Cycle Thirteen: Book 1 by Jill Kaelin (Goodreads) I love the cover for this one. 
Just finished 

Tangled Souls by Jana Oliver (Goodreads)

My Teaser

In the midst of deep sorrow came a joyful giggle. A little boy, no more then four, gleefully captured raindrops sheeting off his parents' black umbrella  Blissfully unaware of the solemnity of the occasion, he toyed with the water running though his chubby fingers, grinning in childish wonder. Douglas O'Fallon winked in response. He'd  been about that age when his mother died. It had rained the day of her funeral, too. A parental hand tapped the child's shoulder and the boy turned away, their moment of shared innocence interrupted. 


Since it's October I thought I would spotlight books with things that go bump in the night. Taste is one of my favorites by Kate Evangelista (Goodreads). She's one of those authors I don't even read the synopsis I know I have to read.

Raptor Red by Robert T. Bakker (Goodreads)
I found this one a while back but haven't picked up a copy. I think it sounds interesting.

Recently Discovered author/book
I happened across this one while checking out the Raptor Red book. It sound really interesting. I wanted to share. Ratha's Creature by Clare Bell (Goodreads). I kind of want it too. I love the cover. I've not read a lot of books from animal point of views.

Around the blogosphere

Allure Blog Tour: Review & Giveaway stop @ A Dream Within A Dream 
Spooktacular Giveaway Hop @ Southern Girl Ramblings
Something Wicked Returns stop @ The Nocturnal Library 
Feature and Follow hosted by Parajunkee  & Alison Can Read 

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